| // | Gilles Laborderie | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ /** * Provides a set of static utility methods used by most modules. * * @package SGL * @author Demian Turner */ class SGL { /** * Returns the 2 letter language code, ie, de for German. * * @static * * @access public * * @return string language abbreviation */ function getCurrentLang() { $aLangs = $GLOBALS['_SGL']['LANGUAGE']; $lang = SGL_Translation::getLangID(SGL_LANG_ID_SGL); $langCode = $aLangs[$lang][2]; return $langCode; } /** * Returns current encoding, ie, utf-8. * * @static * * @access public * * @return string charset codepage */ function getCurrentCharset() { return SGL_Translation::getCharset(); } /** * Log a message to the global Seagull log backend. * * Note that the method can be safely called by simply omitting the deprecated * parameters (but doesn't have to be). * * @access public * @static * @param mixed $message Either a string or a PEAR_Error object. * @param string $file Deprecated. * @param integer $line Deprecated. * @param integer $priority The priority of the message. One of: * PEAR_LOG_EMERG, PEAR_LOG_ALERT, PEAR_LOG_CRIT * PEAR_LOG_ERR, PEAR_LOG_WARNING, PEAR_LOG_NOTICE * PEAR_LOG_INFO, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG * @return boolean True on success or false on failure. * @author Andrew Hill * @author Gilles Laborderie * @author Horde Group */ function logMessage($message, $file = null, $line = null, $priority = PEAR_LOG_INFO) { $c = &SGL_Config::singleton(); $conf = $c->getAll(); // Logging is not activated if (empty($conf['log']['enabled']) || $conf['log']['enabled'] == false) { return; } // Deal with the fact that logMessage may be called using the // deprecated method signature, or the new one if (is_int($file)) { $priority = $file; } // Priority is under logging threshold level if ($priority > SGL_String::pseudoConstantToInt($conf['log']['priority'])) { return; } // Grab DSN if we are logging to a database $dsn = ($conf['log']['type'] == 'sql') ? SGL_DB::getDsn() : ''; // if log type is file, determine if log path is absolute, ie: /tmp/ or c:\ if ($conf['log']['type'] == 'file') { if ($conf['log']['name']{0} == '/' || $conf['log']['name']{1} == ':') { $logName = $conf['log']['name']; } else { $logName = SGL_PATH . '/' . $conf['log']['name']; } } else { $logName = $conf['log']['name']; } include_once 'Log.php'; // Instantiate a logger object based on logging options $logger = & Log::singleton($conf['log']['type'], $logName, $conf['log']['ident'], array( $conf['log']['paramsUsername'], $conf['log']['paramsPassword'], 'dsn' => $dsn )); // If log message is an error object, extract info if (is_a($message, 'PEAR_Error')) { $userinfo = $message->getUserInfo(); $message = $message->getMessage(); if (!empty($userinfo)) { if (is_array($userinfo)) { $userinfo = implode(', ', $userinfo); } $message .= ' : ' . $userinfo; } } // Obtain backtrace information, if supported by PHP if (version_compare(phpversion(), '4.3.0') >= 0) { $bt = debug_backtrace(); if (isset($bt[1]['class']) && $bt[1]['type'] && isset($bt[1]['function'])) { $callInfo = $bt[1]['class'] . $bt[1]['type'] . $bt[1]['function'] . ': '; $message = $callInfo . $message; } if (SGL_DEBUG_SHOW_LINE_NUMBERS) { if (isset($bt[0]['file']) && isset($bt[0]['line'])) { $message .= "\n" . str_repeat(' ', 20 + strlen($conf['log']['ident']) + strlen($logger->priorityToString($priority))); $message .= 'on line ' . $bt[0]['line'] . ' of "' . $bt[0]['file'] . '"'; } } } if ($priority == PEAR_LOG_DEBUG) { $message .= ' time: ' . (string)(getSystemTime() - @SGL_START_TIME) . 'ms'; } // Log the message return $logger->log($message, $priority); } /** * A static method to invoke errors. * * @static * @access public * @param string $msg the error message * @param int $type custom message code * @param int $behaviour behaviour (die or continue!); * @return object $error PEAR error */ function raiseError($msg, $type = null, $behaviour = null, $getTranslation = false) { $c = &SGL_Config::singleton(); $conf = $c->getAll(); // if fatal if ($behaviour > 0) { if (isset($conf['debug']['production']) && $conf['debug']['production']) { die ('Sorry your request can not be processed now. Try again later'); } // must log fatal msgs here as execution stops after // PEAR::raiseError(arg, arg, PEAR_ERROR_DIE) $errorType = SGL_Error::constantToString($type); SGL::logMessage($errorType . ' :: ' . $msg, PEAR_LOG_EMERG); } $error = ''; $message = SGL_String::translate($msg); // catch error message that results for 'logout' where trans file is not loaded if ( ( isset($GLOBALS['_SGL']['ERRORS'][0]) && $GLOBALS['_SGL']['ERRORS'][0]->code == SGL_ERROR_INVALIDTRANSLATION) || (!$getTranslation)) { $error = PEAR::raiseError($msg, $type, $behaviour); } else { $error = PEAR::raiseError($message, $type, $behaviour); } return $error; } function raiseMsg($messageKey, $getTranslation = true, $messageType = SGL_MESSAGE_ERROR) { // must not log message here if (is_string($messageKey) && !empty($messageKey)) { $message = SGL_String::translate($messageKey); // catch error message that results for 'logout' where trans file is not loaded if ( ( isset($GLOBALS['_SGL']['ERRORS'][0]) && $GLOBALS['_SGL']['ERRORS'][0]->code == SGL_ERROR_INVALIDTRANSLATION) || (!$getTranslation)) { SGL_Session::set('message', $messageKey); } else { SGL_Session::set('message', $message); } SGL_Session::set('messageType', $messageType); } else { SGL::raiseError('supplied message not recognised', SGL_ERROR_INVALIDARGS); } } function isPhp5() { $phpVersion = PHP_VERSION; return ($phpVersion{0} == 5); } /** * Returns false if no properties are set. * * Simplistic if ($prop) test is intentional, method will return false for * props such as 0, "0", "", null, array(), etc. * * @param object $obj * @return boolean */ function objectHasState($obj) { $aProps = get_object_vars($obj); if (count($aProps)) { $ret = false; foreach ($aProps as $prop) { if ($prop) { $ret = true; break; } } } else { $ret = false; } return $ret; } // to get around limitations of PHP4's aggregate_* methods function objectCopy($src, &$target) { $aProps = get_object_vars($src); foreach ($aProps as $attribName => $attribValue) { $target->{$attribName} = $attribValue; } } /** * Determines current server API, ie, are we running from commandline or webserver. * * @return boolean */ function runningFromCLI() { // STDIN isn't a CLI constant before 4.3.0 $sapi = php_sapi_name(); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '4.3.0') >= 0 && $sapi != 'cgi') { if (!defined('STDIN')) { return false; } else { return @is_resource(STDIN); } } else { return in_array($sapi, array('cli', 'cgi')) && empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); } } function setNoticeBehaviour($mode = SGL_NOTICES_ENABLED) { $GLOBALS['_SGL']['ERROR_OVERRIDE'] = ($mode) ? false : true; } /** * Returns true on success, false if resource was not found. * * @param string $resource File or lib name */ function import($resource) { } /** * Loads region list for current language. If not found, loads region * list for default language (English). Put found data into $GLOBALS. * * All region lists should be UTF-8 encoded. * * @todo remove presence of $GLOBALS * * @static * * @param string $regionType * * @return mixed */ function loadRegionList($regionType) { $aAllowedTypes = array('countries', 'states', 'counties'); if (!in_array($regionType, $aAllowedTypes)) { return SGL::raiseError('Invalid argument', SGL_ERROR_INVALIDARGS); } if (!empty($GLOBALS['_SGL'][strtoupper($regionType)])) { return $GLOBALS['_SGL'][strtoupper($regionType)]; } $lang = SGL::getCurrentLang(); $file = SGL_DAT_DIR . "/ary.$regionType.$lang.php"; if (!file_exists($file)) { // get data with default language $file = SGL_DAT_DIR . "/ary.$regionType.en.php"; } // load data include_once $file; $list = ${$regionType}; // sort arrays if (is_array($list)) { $aList = $list; // replace accents for utf-8 encoded string array_walk($aList, create_function('&$v', '$v = SGL_String::replaceAccents($v);')); // sort values asort($aList); // restore accents $aList = array_merge($aList, $list); $list = $aList; // decode list to current charset array_walk($list, array('SGL', '_toCurrentCharset')); } // remember region list in global array $GLOBALS['_SGL'][strtoupper($regionType)] = $list; return $list; } /** * Convert string to current charset from utf-8. * * @static * * @param string $v */ function _toCurrentCharset(&$v) { $v = function_exists('iconv') ? iconv('UTF-8', SGL::getCurrentCharset(), $v) : $v; } function displayStaticPage($msg) { include_once SGL_CORE_DIR . '/Install/Common.php'; SGL_Install_Common::printHeader('An error has occurred'); if (SGL::runningFromCli()) { print $msg; } else { echo '
' . $msg . '
'; } SGL_Install_Common::printFooter(); exit(); } function displayMaintenancePage(&$output) { $c = &SGL_Config::singleton(); $conf = $c->getAll(); $output->moduleName = 'default'; $output->theme = !empty($conf['site']['defaultTheme']) ? $conf['site']['defaultTheme'] : 'default'; $output->masterTemplate = 'masterBlank.html'; $output->template = 'maintenance.html'; $output->charset = $GLOBALS['_SGL']['CHARSET']; $output->webRoot = SGL_BASE_URL; $output->imagesDir = SGL_BASE_URL . '/themes/' . $output->theme . '/images'; $output->versionAPI = SGL_SEAGULL_VERSION; $output->sessID = SGL_Session::getId(); $output->scriptOpen = "\n\n"; $output->conf = $conf; $view = new SGL_HtmlSimpleView($output); echo $view->render(); exit(); } /** * Display Seagull error page. * * @param SGL_Output $output */ function displayErrorPage(&$output) { $c = &SGL_Config::singleton(); // basics to be able to render $output->moduleName = SGL_Config::get('site.defaultModule'); $output->theme = SGL_Config::get('site.defaultTheme') ? SGL_Config::get('site.defaultTheme') : 'default'; // templates $output->masterTemplate = 'masterBlank.html'; $output->template = 'error.html'; // lang prefs $output->charset = $GLOBALS['_SGL']['CHARSET']; $output->currLang = SGL::getCurrentLang() ? SGL::getCurrentLang() : 'en'; $output->langDir = in_array($output->currLang, array('ar', 'he')) ? 'rtl' : 'ltr'; // paths $output->webRoot = SGL_BASE_URL; $output->imagesDir = SGL_BASE_URL . '/themes/' . $output->theme . '/images'; // other $output->versionAPI = SGL_SEAGULL_VERSION; $output->sessID = SGL_Session::getId(); $output->scriptOpen = "\n\n"; $output->conf = $c->getAll(); // output rendered page $view = new SGL_HtmlSimpleView($output); echo $view->render(); exit; } /** * Returns true if a minimal version of Seagull has been installed. * * @static * @return boolean */ function isMinimalInstall() { return is_file(SGL_PATH . '/MINIMAL_INSTALL.txt') ? true : false; } /** * Returns true if a module is installed, ie has a record in the module table. * * @static * @param string $moduleName * @return boolean */ function moduleIsEnabled($moduleName) { static $aInstances; if (!isset($aInstances)) { $aInstances = array(); } if (!isset($aInstances[$moduleName])) { $locator = &SGL_ServiceLocator::singleton(); $dbh = $locator->get('DB'); if (!$dbh) { $dbh = & SGL_DB::singleton(); $locator->register('DB', $dbh); } $c = &SGL_Config::singleton(); $conf = $c->getAll(); $query = " SELECT module_id FROM {$conf['table']['module']} WHERE name = " .$dbh->quoteSmart($moduleName); $ret = $dbh->getOne($query); if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { return false; } else { $aInstances[$moduleName] = $ret; } } return ! is_null($aInstances[$moduleName]); } /** * Detect if it is a first launch. * * @static * * @access public * * @return boolean */ function isFirstLaunch() { $ret = !isset($_SESSION['sglFirstLaunch']); if (!isset($_SESSION['sglFirstLaunch'])) { $_SESSION['sglFirstLaunch'] = true; } return $ret; } } if (!SGL::isPhp5() && !function_exists('clone')) { // emulate clone - as per php_compact, slow but really the correct behaviour.. eval('function clone($t) { $r = $t; if (method_exists($r,"__clone")) { $r->__clone(); } return $r; }'); } ?>