| // | Demian Turner | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // $Id$ // This class is based on Peter James' class of the same name, for more info // see http://php.shaman.ca/ /** * Global error handler class, modifies behaviour for PHP errors, not PEAR. * * @package SGL * @author Demian Turner * @author Peter James * @version $Revision: 1.8 $ */ class SGL_ErrorHandler { var $errorType = array(); var $sourceContextOptions = array(); /** * Constructor. * * @access public * @return void */ function SGL_ErrorHandler() { // first dimension elements are PHP error types // 2nd dimension elements are roughly PEAR Log's equivalents // nb: comment out Notice for equivalent of // error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); $this->errorType = array ( 1 => array('Error', 3), 2 => array('Warning', 4), 4 => array('Parsing Error', 3), 8 => array('Notice', 5), 16 => array('Core Error', 3), 32 => array('Core Warning', 4), 64 => array('Compile Error', 3), 128 => array('Compile Warning', 4), 256 => array('User Error', 3), 512 => array('User Warning', 4), 1024=> array('User Notice', 5), 2047=> array('All', 7) ); $this->sourceContextOptions = array('lines' => 5); } /** * BC hack to assign custom error handler in a method. * * @access public * @return void */ function startHandler() { $GLOBALS['_SGL']['ERROR_HANDLER_OBJECT'] = & $this; $GLOBALS['_SGL']['ERROR_HANDLER_METHOD'] = 'errHandler'; // inner function to handle redirection to a class method function eh($errNo, $errStr, $file, $line, $context) { call_user_func(array( &$GLOBALS['_SGL']['ERROR_HANDLER_OBJECT'], $GLOBALS['_SGL']['ERROR_HANDLER_METHOD']), $errNo, $errStr, $file, $line, $context ); } // start handling errors set_error_handler('eh'); } /** * Enhances PHP's default error handling. * * o overrides notices in certain cases * o obeys @muffled errors, * o error logged to selected target * o context info presented for developer * o error data emailed to admin if threshold passed * * @access public * @param int $errNo PHP's error number * @param string $errStr PHP's error message * @param string $file filename where error occurred * @param int $line line number where error occurred * @param string $context contextual info * @return void */ function errHandler($errNo, $errStr, $file, $line, $context) { // if an @ error suppression operator has been detected (0) return null if (error_reporting() == 0) { return null; } // or if notices are temporarily being suppressed, return null if ($GLOBALS['_SGL']['ERROR_OVERRIDE'] == true) { if (error_reporting() == E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE) { return null; } } if (in_array($errNo, array_keys($this->errorType))) { $c = &SGL_Config::singleton(); $conf = $c->getAll(); // final param is 2nd dimension element from errorType array, // representing PEAR error codes mapped to PHP's // also, error obj is stored in $GLOBALS['_SGL']['ERRORS'] // in the logMessage method SGL::logMessage($errStr, $file, $line, $this->errorType[$errNo][1]); // if a debug sesssion has been started, or the site in in // development mode, send error info to screen if (!$conf['debug']['production'] || SGL_Session::get('adminMode')) { $source = $this->_getSourceContext($file, $line); // generate screen debug html // type is 1st dimension element from $errorType array, ie, // PHP error code $output = <<
MESSAGE: $errStr
TYPE: {$this->errorType[$errNo][0]}
FILE: $file
LINE: $line


EOF; if (SGL::runningFromCLI()) { $output = <<errorType[$errNo][0]} FILE: $file LINE: $line -- EOL; } if (!empty($conf['log']['showErrors']) && $conf['log']['showErrors'] == true) { echo $output; } } else { // we're in production mode, suppress any errors from being displayed @ini_set('display_errors', 0); } // email the error to admin if threshold reached if ($this->errorType[$errNo][1] <= SGL_EMAIL_ADMIN_THRESHOLD) { // get extra info $dbh = & SGL_DB::singleton(); $aExtraInfo['callingURL'] = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; $aExtraInfo['lastSQL'] = isset($dbh->last_query) ? $dbh->last_query : null; $aExtraInfo['userID'] = SGL_Session::get('uid'); $aExtraInfo['clientData']['HTTP_REFERER'] = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : null; $aExtraInfo['clientData']['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : null; $aExtraInfo['clientData']['REMOTE_ADDR'] = isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : null; $aExtraInfo['clientData']['SERVER_PORT'] = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : null; // store formatted output $info = print_r($aExtraInfo, true); // rebuild error output w/out html $crlf = SGL_String::getCrlf(); $output = $errStr . $crlf . 'type: ' . $this->errorType[$errNo][0] . $crlf . 'file: ' . $file . $crlf . 'line: ' . $line . $crlf . $crlf; $message = $output . $info; @mail($conf['email']['admin'], 'ERROR OUTPUT FROM ' . $conf['site']['name'], $message); } } } /** * Provides enhanced error info for developer. * * Gives 10 lines before and after error occurred, hightlight erroroneous * line in red. * * @access private * @param string $file filename where error occurred * @param int $line line number where error occurred * @param string $context contextual info * @return string contextual error info */ function _getSourceContext($file, $line) { $sourceContext = null; // check that file exists if (!is_file($file)) { $sourceContext = "Context cannot be shown - ($file) does not exist"; // check if line number is valid } elseif ((!is_int($line)) || ($line <= 0)) { $sourceContext = "Context cannot be shown - ($line) is an invalid line number"; } else { $lines = file($file); // get the source ## core dump in windows, scrap colour highlighting :-( // $source = highlight_file($file, true); // $lines = split("
", $source); // get line numbers $start = $line - $this->sourceContextOptions['lines'] - 1; $finish = $line + $this->sourceContextOptions['lines']; // get lines if ($start < 0) { $start = 0; } if ($start >= count($lines)) { $start = count($lines) -1; } for ($i = $start; $i < $finish; $i++) { // highlight line in question if ($i == ($line - 1)) { $context_lines[] = '
' . ($i + 1) . "\t" . strip_tags($lines[$line -1]) . '
'; } else { $context_lines[] = '' . ($i + 1) . "\t" . @$lines[$i]; } } $sourceContext = trim(join("
\n", $context_lines)) . "
\n"; } return $sourceContext; } } ?>