| // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ function authFileExists() { if (file_exists(SGL_PATH . '/AUTH.txt')) { $file = file_get_contents(SGL_PATH . '/AUTH.txt'); if (strpos($file, $_SESSION['authString']) !== false) { return true; } else { return array('authFile' => '* Authorisation string not found in AUTH.txt file'); } } else { return array('authFile' => '* AUTH.txt file does not exist'); } } /** * @package Install */ class WizardSetupAuth extends HTML_QuickForm_Page { function buildForm() { $this->_formBuilt = true; if (!isset($_SESSION['authString'])) { $_SESSION['authString'] = md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . SGL_PATH); } $this->addElement('header', null, 'Seagull Setup Authorisation: page 2 of 6'); $this->addElement('static', 'authFile', 'Authenticate', 'This step is a simple authentication check to make sure the owner of ' . 'this site is performing this installation.
' . '
' . 'All that is required for you to do is to create a text file named AUTH.txt ' . 'containing the following randomly generated string of characters and place it ' . 'in the root directory of the Seagull application. This is the same ' . 'directory that has the INSTALL.txt, README.txt, and VERSION.txt files.
' . '
' . '' . $_SESSION["authString"] . '
' . '
' . 'To simplify things for you, you can click on this link to download the AUTH.txt ' . 'file. Once you download the file, simply place it in the root ' . 'directory of this Seagull application.'); $this->addElement('hidden', 'authString', $_SESSION['authString']); $this->addFormRule('authFileExists'); // submit $prevnext[] =& $this->createElement('submit', $this->getButtonName('back'), '<< Back'); $prevnext[] =& $this->createElement('submit', $this->getButtonName('next'), 'Next >>'); $this->addGroup($prevnext, null, '', ' ', false); $this->setDefaultAction('next'); } } ?>