| // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // $Id$ /** * A lightweight wrapper to PEAR DB_NestedSet that bypasses NestedSet for most * methods, querying the specified nested set table directly via PEAR DB; more * complex, write-heavy methods are left to DB_NestedSet. * * @package SGL * @author Andy Crain * @version $Revision: 1.10 $ */ class SGL_NestedSet { /** * Array of images for addImages() to use to decorate results, relative to root. * * @var array * @access private */ var $_images = array( 'upArrow' => 'images/16/move_up.gif', 'upArrowDead' => 'images/16/move_up_dead.gif', 'downArrow' => 'images/16/move_down.gif', 'downArrowDead' => 'images/16/move_down_dead.gif', 'folder' => 'images/treeNav/foldericon.png', 'file' => 'images/treeNav/file.png', 'blank' => 'images/treeNav/blank.png', 't' => 'images/treeNav/T.png', 'l' => 'images/treeNav/L.png', 'i' => 'images/treeNav/I.png'); var $_protectedFields = array('id', 'rootid', 'l', 'r', 'norder', 'level', 'parent'); var $params = array('tableStructure' => array( 'id' => 'id', 'rootid' => 'rootid', 'l' => 'l', 'r' => 'r', 'norder' => 'norder', 'level' => 'level', 'parent' => 'parent' ), 'tableName' => '', 'lockTableName' => '', 'sequenceName' => ''); var $_aNodes = array(); function SGL_NestedSet($params) { SGL::logMessage(null, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG); $this->dbh = $this->_getDb(); $this->_params = $params; $this->_tableName = $params['tableName']; $this->_fieldsInternal = array_flip($params['tableStructure']); $this->_fieldListExternal = $this->_tableName . '.' . implode(",$this->_tableName.",$this->_fieldsInternal); } function &_getDb() { $locator = &SGL_ServiceLocator::singleton(); $dbh = $locator->get('DB'); if (!$dbh) { $dbh = & SGL_DB::singleton(); $locator->register('DB', $dbh); } return $dbh; } function setImage($key, $value) { $this->_images[$key] = $value; } function setImages($imagesArray) { $this->_images = $imagesArray; } /** * Fetches all root nodes (rootid = id) from the entire table/tree. * * @access public * @param void * @return array of node arrays * * @author Andy Crain * @version 1.0 * @since PHP 4.0 */ function getRoots($addSQL = array()) { $cols = $this->_addSQL($addSQL, 'cols'); $join = $this->_addSQL($addSQL, 'join'); $groupBy = $this->_addSQL($addSQL, 'groupBy'); $where = $this->_addSQL($addSQL, 'where', 'AND'); // Get root nodes (id = rootid). $sql = "SELECT $this->_fieldListExternal $cols FROM $this->_tableName $join WHERE {$this->_tableName}.{$this->_fieldsInternal['id']} = {$this->_tableName}.{$this->_fieldsInternal['rootid']} $where $groupBy ORDER BY {$this->_tableName}.{$this->_fieldsInternal['norder']}"; $result =& $this->dbh->query($sql); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return SGL::raiseError('SQL problem', SGL_ERROR_DBFAILURE); } $r = ''; while ($result->fetchInto($row, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)){ $r[$row[$this->_fieldsInternal['id']]] = $row; } return $r; } /** * Fetches all nodes from all roots, i.e., the entire table/tree. * * @access public * @param void * @return array of node arrays * * @author Andy Crain * @version 1.0 * @since PHP 4.0 */ function getTree($addSQL = array()) { $cols = $this->_addSQL($addSQL, 'cols'); $join = $this->_addSQL($addSQL, 'join'); $groupBy = $this->_addSQL($addSQL, 'groupBy'); $where = $this->_addSQL($addSQL, 'where', 'AND'); $roots = $this->getRoots($addSQL); // Get all descendants of each node (rootid = $rootid). $r = ''; if (is_array($roots) && count($roots)) { foreach($roots as $id => $root) { $sql = "SELECT $this->_fieldListExternal $cols FROM $this->_tableName $join WHERE {$this->_tableName}.{$this->_fieldsInternal['rootid']} = {$root[$this->_fieldsInternal['rootid']]} $where $groupBy ORDER BY {$this->_tableName}.{$this->_fieldsInternal['l']}"; $result =& $this->dbh->query($sql); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return SGL::raiseError('SQL problem', SGL_ERROR_DBFAILURE); } while ($result->fetchInto($row, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)){ $r[$row[$this->_fieldsInternal['id']]] = $row; } } } return $r; } /** * For any node whose id is supplied, fetches branch for that node (all * nodes with same root_id), including that node, and those above and below it. * * @access public * @param int $node_id * @return array of node arrays * * @author Andy Crain * @version 1.0 * @since PHP 4.0 */ function getBranch($node_id, $addSQL = array()) { $cols = $this->_addSQL($addSQL, 'cols'); $join = $this->_addSQL($addSQL, 'join'); $groupBy = $this->_addSQL($addSQL, 'groupBy'); $where = $this->_addSQL($addSQL, 'where', 'AND'); // Get this node's rootnode, so we can then get nodes with matching rootid. $node = $this->getNode($node_id); $sql = "SELECT $this->_fieldListExternal $cols FROM $this->_tableName $join WHERE {$this->_tableName}.{$this->_fieldsInternal['rootid']} = {$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['rootid']]} $where $groupBy ORDER BY {$this->_tableName}.{$this->_fieldsInternal['l']}"; $result =& $this->dbh->query($sql); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return SGL::raiseError('SQL problem', SGL_ERROR_DBFAILURE); } while ($result->fetchInto($row, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)){ $r[$row[$this->_fieldsInternal['id']]] = $row; } return $r; } /** * For any node, fetches all descendents (kids, grandkids, etc.)of that node (nodes with same * rootid and with left ids bounded by this node's left and right id, and which aren't this node). * * @access public * @param int $node_id * @return array of node arrays * * @author Andy Crain * @version 1.0 * @since PHP 4.0 */ function getSubBranch($node_id, $addSQL = array()) { $cols = $this->_addSQL($addSQL, 'cols'); $join = $this->_addSQL($addSQL, 'join'); $groupBy = $this->_addSQL($addSQL, 'groupBy'); $where = $this->_addSQL($addSQL, 'where', 'AND'); // Get this node's rootnode, left and right nodes and use to fetch children. $node = $this->getNode($node_id); $sql = "SELECT $this->_fieldListExternal $cols FROM $this->_tableName $join WHERE {$this->_tableName}.{$this->_fieldsInternal['rootid']} = {$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['rootid']]} AND {$this->_tableName}.{$this->_fieldsInternal['l']} BETWEEN {$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['l']]} AND {$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['r']]} AND {$this->_tableName}.{$this->_fieldsInternal['id']} <> $node_id $where $groupBy ORDER BY {$this->_tableName}.{$this->_fieldsInternal['l']}"; $result =& $this->dbh->query($sql); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return SGL::raiseError('SQL problem', SGL_ERROR_DBFAILURE); } $r = ''; while ($result->fetchInto($row, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)){ $r[$row[$this->_fieldsInternal['id']]] = $row; } return $r; } function getParent($id) { $ns = $this->_getNestedSet(); return $ns->getParent($id); } /** * For any node, fetches child nodes (nodes with same rootid, with level = parent * level + 1, with l between parent's l and r). * * @access public * @param int $node_id * @return array of node arrays * * @author Andy Crain * @version 1.0 * @since PHP 4.0 */ function getChildren($node_id, $addSQL = array()) { // Get this node's rootnode, left and right nodes and use to fetch children. $node = $this->getNode($node_id); $cols = $this->_addSQL($addSQL, 'cols'); $join = $this->_addSQL($addSQL, 'join'); $groupBy = $this->_addSQL($addSQL, 'groupBy'); $where = $this->_addSQL($addSQL, 'where', 'AND'); $sql = "SELECT $this->_fieldListExternal $cols FROM $this->_tableName $join WHERE {$this->_tableName}.{$this->_fieldsInternal['rootid']} = {$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['rootid']]} AND {$this->_tableName}.{$this->_fieldsInternal['l']} BETWEEN {$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['l']]} AND {$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['r']]} AND {$this->_tableName}.{$this->_fieldsInternal['level']} = {$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['level']]} + 1 $where $groupBy ORDER BY {$this->_tableName}.{$this->_fieldsInternal['l']}"; $result =& $this->dbh->query($sql); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return SGL::raiseError('SQL problem', SGL_ERROR_DBFAILURE); } $r = array(); while ($result->fetchInto($row, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) { $r[$row[$this->_fieldsInternal['id']]] = $row; } return $r; } /** * Borrowed from PEAR DB_NestedSet. Formats various sql clauses. * * @access private * @param * @return * * @author Andy Crain * @version 1.0 * @since PHP 4.0 */ function _addSQL($addSQL, $type, $prefix = false) { if (!isset($addSQL[$type]) || $addSQL[$type] == '') { return ''; } switch ($type) { case 'cols': return ', ' . $addSQL[$type]; case 'where': return $prefix . ' (' . $addSQL[$type] . ')'; default: return $addSQL[$type]; } } /** * Returns the node indentified by supplied id, or false. * * @access private * @param int $node_id * @return array | false * * @author Andy Crain * @version 1.0 * @since PHP 4.0 */ function getNode($node_id) { if (!isset($this->_aNodes[$node_id])) { $sql = "SELECT $this->_fieldListExternal FROM $this->_tableName WHERE {$this->_fieldsInternal['id']} = $node_id"; $result =& $this->dbh->query($sql); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $result; } $result->fetchInto($this->_aNodes[$node_id], DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); if (is_null($this->_aNodes[$node_id])) { $this->_aNodes[$node_id] = false; } } return $this->_aNodes[$node_id]; } /** * Returns "breadcrumbs," a node's ancestral path through the tree: same rootid, * and a level less than this node's, and a left node less than this node's, and * a right node greater than this node's. * * @access public * @param int $node_id * @return array of node arrays * * @author Andy Crain * @version 1.0 * @since PHP 4.0 */ function getBreadcrumbs($node_id, $addSQL = array(), $includeCurrentNode = false) { $cols = $this->_addSQL($addSQL, 'cols'); $join = $this->_addSQL($addSQL, 'join'); $groupBy = $this->_addSQL($addSQL, 'groupBy'); $where = $this->_addSQL($addSQL, 'where', 'AND'); $node = $this->getNode($node_id); if ($includeCurrentNode) { $sql = "SELECT $this->_fieldListExternal $cols FROM $this->_tableName $join WHERE {$this->_tableName}.{$this->_fieldsInternal['level']} <= {$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['level']]} AND {$this->_tableName}.{$this->_fieldsInternal['l']} <= {$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['l']]} AND {$this->_tableName}.{$this->_fieldsInternal['r']} >= {$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['r']]} AND {$this->_tableName}.{$this->_fieldsInternal['rootid']} = {$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['rootid']]} $where $groupBy ORDER BY {$this->_tableName}.{$this->_fieldsInternal['l']}"; } else { $sql = "SELECT $this->_fieldListExternal $cols FROM $this->_tableName $join WHERE {$this->_tableName}.{$this->_fieldsInternal['level']} < {$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['level']]} AND {$this->_tableName}.{$this->_fieldsInternal['l']} < {$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['l']]} AND {$this->_tableName}.{$this->_fieldsInternal['r']} > {$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['r']]} AND {$this->_tableName}.{$this->_fieldsInternal['rootid']} = {$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['rootid']]} $where $groupBy ORDER BY {$this->_fieldsInternal['l']}"; } $result =& $this->dbh->query($sql); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return SGL::raiseError('SQL problem', SGL_ERROR_DBFAILURE); } $r = array(); while ($result->fetchInto($row, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)){ $r[$row[$this->_fieldsInternal['id']]] = $row; } return $r; } /** * Takes a reference to a nodes array such as returned by getTree() et. al. and adds to * each node array an array of images that can be used to build a MS Windows Explorer-like * tree view, with images for file, folder, blank, and I, L, and T shapes, as well as up * and down arrows that are grayed out when the node cannot be moved up or down (has no * siblings above or below it). * * @access public * @param array $aNodes * @return void * * @author Andy Crain * @version 1.0 * @since PHP 4.0 */ function addImages(&$aNodes) { // Build sorted array $nodeMap so we can easily test whether a node has // siblings (same parent, same level) above or below it (order-1, order+1). if (is_array($aNodes) && count($aNodes)) { if (!isset($nodeMap)) { $level = $this->_fieldsInternal['level']; $parent = $this->_fieldsInternal['parent']; $order = $this->_fieldsInternal['norder']; foreach($aNodes as $k => $n){ $nodeMap[$n[$level]][$n[$parent]][$n[$order]] = $k; } } reset($aNodes); while (list($id,$node) = each($aNodes)){ // If inside subtree, use I shape, else blank (for level 2 and above only, // since rightmost 2 images are the L/T shape then folder/file). for ($i=2; $i < $node[$this->_fieldsInternal['level']]; $i++){ if (isset($insideNest[$i]) && $insideNest[$i] == true) { $aNodes[$id]['images']['treePad'][] = $this->_images['i']; } else { $aNodes[$id]['images']['treePad'][] = $this->_images['blank']; } } // Only nodes with parents get T and L shapes if ($node[$this->_fieldsInternal['l']] > 1){ // use L shape for terminal node, T shape for intermediate node if ($node[$this->_fieldsInternal['r']] == $aNodes[$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['parent']]][$this->_fieldsInternal['r']] - 1){//terminal node $aNodes[$id]['images']['treePad'][] = $this->_images['l']; $insideNest[$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['level']]] = false; } else { $aNodes[$id]['images']['treePad'][] = $this->_images['t']; $insideNest[$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['level']]] = true; } } // Finally, add folder icon. $aNodes[$id]['images']['treePad'][] = $this->_images['folder']; // Using $nodeMap, assign up/down arrows and the target node id above or below // which to move the node. if (isset($nodeMap[$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['level']]][$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['parent']]][$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['norder']] - 1]) ) { $aNodes[$id]['images']['moveUpImg'] = $this->_images['upArrow']; $aNodes[$id]['images']['moveUpTarget'] = $nodeMap[$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['level']]][$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['parent']]][$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['norder']] - 1]; } else { $aNodes[$id]['images']['moveUpImg'] = $this->_images['upArrowDead']; $aNodes[$id]['images']['moveUpTarget'] = 0; } if (isset($nodeMap[$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['level']]][$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['parent']]][$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['norder']] + 1]) ) { $aNodes[$id]['images']['moveDownImg'] = $this->_images['downArrow']; $aNodes[$id]['images']['moveDownTarget'] = $nodeMap[$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['level']]][$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['parent']]][$node[$this->_fieldsInternal['norder']] + 1]; } else { $aNodes[$id]['images']['moveDownImg'] = $this->_images['downArrowDead']; $aNodes[$id]['images']['moveDownTarget'] = 0; } } } } /** * Updates defined fields (any field defined in params['tableStructure'] that is not * a NestedSet field such as l, r, rootid, norder, etc. (i.e. not in _protectedFields). * * @access public * @param int $id * @param array $values (field name => field value) * @return DB_OK | PEAR Error * * @author Andy Crain * @version 1.0 * @since PHP 4.0 */ function updateNode($id, $values) { $this->_cleanMemoryCache($id); $set = implode(', ', $this->prepareValues($values, true)); $sql = "UPDATE $this->_tableName SET $set WHERE {$this->_fieldsInternal['id']} = $id"; $result =& $this->dbh->query($sql); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return SGL::raiseError('SQL problem', SGL_ERROR_DBFAILURE); } return $result; } /** * Prepares $values array for insert or update into table. Called * with $quoteValues=true to build quoted key=value strings for update sql. * Called externally with $quoteValues=false to simply weed out of an * array any fields that either are not in the table or that are but are internal. * * @access private * @param * @return object DB_NestedSet_DB * * @author Andy Crain * @version 1.0 * @since PHP 4.0 */ function prepareValues($values, $quoteValues = false) { $r = array(); if ($quoteValues) { foreach ($values as $k => $value) { $internalField = array_search($k,$this->_fieldsInternal); if ($internalField && !in_array($internalField,$this->_protectedFields)) { $k = $this->dbh->quoteIdentifier($k); $value = $this->dbh->quoteSmart($value); $r[] = "$k = $value"; } } } else { foreach ($values as $k => $value) { $internalField = array_search($k,$this->_fieldsInternal); if ($internalField && !in_array($internalField,$this->_protectedFields)) { $r[$k] = $value; } } } return $r; } /** * DB_NestedSet_DB factory. Called only by wrapper methods. * Several methods (createRootNode() and moveTree()) when called from * DB_NestedSet directly take constants as parameters, but since DB_NestedSet * isn't instantiated at call time, we pass the constants' values instead. * Values for $pos are: 'BE' (move node before target norder), * 'AF' (move node after target norder), or 'SUB' (move node beneath, as a child * to target). See PEAR DB_NestedSet docs for api info on wrapper methods. * * @access private * @param * @return object DB_NestedSet_DB * * @author Andy Crain */ function _getNestedSet() { static $ns; if (is_null($ns)) { require_once 'DB/NestedSet.php'; // create an instance of DB_NestedSet_DB $ns = & DB_NestedSet::factory('DB', SGL_DB::getDsn(), $this->_params['tableStructure']); if (is_a($ns, 'PEAR_Error')) { echo $ns->getCode() . ': ' . $ns->getMessage(); } $ns->setAttr(array( 'node_table' => $this->_tableName, 'lock_table' => $this->_params['lockTableName'], 'sequence_table' => $this->_params['sequenceName']) ); } return $ns; } /** * The following are all just wrappers to DB_NestedSet, an instance of which is * returned by _getNestedSet(). See PEAR/DB/NestedSet.php for API docs. */ function createRootNode($values, $id = false, $first = false, $pos = 'AF') { $ns = $this->_getNestedSet(); return $ns->createRootNode($values, $id, $first, $pos); } function createSubNode($id, $values) { $this->_cleanMemoryCache($id); $ns = $this->_getNestedSet(); return $ns->createSubNode($id, $values); } function createLeftNode($id, $values) { $this->_cleanMemoryCache($id); $ns = $this->_getNestedSet(); return $ns->createLeftNode($id, $values); } function createRightNode($id, $values) { $this->_cleanMemoryCache($id); $ns = $this->_getNestedSet(); return $ns->createRightNode($id, $values); } function moveTree($id, $targetid, $pos, $copy = false) { $this->_cleanMemoryCache(); $ns = $this->_getNestedSet(); return $ns->moveTree($id, $targetid, $pos, $copy); } function deleteNode($id) { $this->_cleanMemoryCache($id); $ns = $this->_getNestedSet(); return $ns->deleteNode($id); } /** * Clean nodes stored in memory * @param integer node id [optional] * @access private */ function _cleanMemoryCache($id = null) { if (is_null($id)) { //clear all nodes $this->_aNodes = array(); } elseif (array_key_exists($id, $this->_aNodes)) { //clear the given node unset($this->_aNodes[$id]); } } } ?>