| // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ define('EOL', "\n"); // dependency types define('SGL_NEUTRAL', 0); define('SGL_RECOMMENDED', 1); define('SGL_REQUIRED', 2); define('SGL_FORBIDDEN', 3); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../Request.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../Task.php'; function bool2words($key) { return ($key === true || $key === 1) ? 'Yes' : 'No'; } function bool2int($key) { return ($key === true || $key === 1) ? 1 : 0; } function ini_get2($key) { return (ini_get($key) == '1' || $key === true ? 1 : 0); } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_EnvSummaryTask extends SGL_Task { var $aData = array(); var $aErrors = array(); var $aRequirements = array(); var $title = ''; var $mandatory = false; function render() { $html = ''.EOL; $html .= ''.EOL; // check if in "php.ini Settings" portion of environment detection if (array_key_exists('register_globals', $this->aData)) { $cfg_file_path = (get_cfg_var("cfg_file_path")) ? get_cfg_var("cfg_file_path") : "php.ini not available"; $html .= ''; // check if open_basedir is set and warn user $open_basedir = ini_get('open_basedir'); if (!empty($open_basedir)) { $html .= ''; } } if (!$this->mandatory) { $html .= ''.EOL; } foreach ($this->aData as $k => $v) { $discoveredValue = (is_int($v)) ? bool2words($v) : $v; $html .= ''.EOL; $html .= ''; if (is_array($v)) { $html .= ''; } elseif ($this->mandatory) { $html .= ''; } else { $html .= ''; $html .= ''; } $html .= ''; } $html .= '
Note: Your php configuration file (php.ini) is located at: ' . $cfg_file_path . '
Warning: ' . 'This server seems to be using the open_basedir php setting to limit ' . 'all file operations to the following directory: ' . $open_basedir . '. ' . 'This may cause your installation and application ' . 'to work incorrectly.
'.SGL_Inflector::getTitleFromCamelCase($k).''.$this->createComboBox($v).''.$this->processDependency($this->aRequirements[$k], @$this->aErrors[$k], $k, $v).$discoveredValue.''.$this->processRecommended($this->aRequirements[$k]).''.$this->processDependency($this->aRequirements[$k], @$this->aErrors[$k], $k, $v).$discoveredValue.'
'.EOL; return $html; } function processDependency($aRequirement, $error, $key, $actual) { $depType = key($aRequirement); $depValue = $aRequirement[$depType];// what value the dep requires if ($depType == SGL_REQUIRED) { // exception for php version check if (preg_match("/>.*/", $depValue)) { $value = substr($depValue, 1); if (version_compare($actual, $value, 'g')) { $status = 'green'; } else { $status = 'red'; SGL_Install_Common::errorPush(PEAR::raiseError($error)); } // else evaluate conventional values } else { if ($actual == $depValue) { $status = 'green'; } else { $status = 'red'; SGL_Install_Common::errorPush(PEAR::raiseError($error)); } } } elseif ($depType == SGL_RECOMMENDED) { if ($actual == $depValue) { $status = 'green'; } else { $status = 'orange'; } } elseif ($depType == SGL_FORBIDDEN) { if ($actual == $depValue) { $status = 'green'; } else { $status = 'red'; SGL_Install_Common::errorPush(PEAR::raiseError($error)); } } else { // neutral, no colour tag return ''; } $html = ""; return $html; } function processRecommended($aRequirement) { $depType = key($aRequirement); $depValue = $aRequirement[$depType]; if ($depType == SGL_NEUTRAL) { $ret = '--'; } else { $ret = is_int($depValue) ? bool2words($depValue) : $depValue; } return $ret; } function createComboBox($aData) { $html = ''; return $html; } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_GetLoadedModules extends SGL_EnvSummaryTask { var $title = 'Available Modules'; var $key = 'loaded_modules'; var $aRequirements = array( 'apc' => array(SGL_FORBIDDEN => 0), 'curl' => array(SGL_RECOMMENDED => 1), 'gd' => array(SGL_RECOMMENDED => 1), 'iconv' => array(SGL_RECOMMENDED => 1), 'mysql' => array(SGL_NEUTRAL => 0), 'mysqli' => array(SGL_NEUTRAL => 0), 'oci8' => array(SGL_NEUTRAL => 0), 'odbc' => array(SGL_NEUTRAL => 0), 'openssl' => array(SGL_RECOMMENDED => 1), 'pcre' => array(SGL_REQUIRED => 1), 'pgsql' => array(SGL_NEUTRAL => 0), 'posix' => array(SGL_RECOMMENDED => 1), 'session' => array(SGL_REQUIRED => 1), 'tidy' => array(SGL_RECOMMENDED => 1), 'zlib' => array(SGL_RECOMMENDED => 1), ); var $aErrors = array( 'session' => 'You need the session extension to run Seagull', 'pcre' => 'You need the pcre extension to run Seagull', 'apc' => 'Problems have been reported running apc, please disable to continue', ); function run() { if (SGL::isPhp5()) { $this->aRequirements['dom'] = array(SGL_RECOMMENDED => 1); } else { $this->aRequirements['domxml'] = array(SGL_RECOMMENDED => 1); } foreach ($this->aRequirements as $m => $dep) { $this->aData[$m] = bool2int(extension_loaded($m)); } return $this->render($this->aData); } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_GetPhpEnv extends SGL_EnvSummaryTask { var $title = 'PHP Environment'; var $key = 'php_environment'; var $mandatory = true; var $aRequirements = array( 'phpVersion' => array(SGL_REQUIRED => '>4.2.3'), 'operatingSystem' => array(SGL_NEUTRAL => 0), 'webserverSapi' => array(SGL_NEUTRAL => 0), 'webserverPort' => array(SGL_NEUTRAL => 0), 'webserverSoftware' => array(SGL_NEUTRAL => 0), 'seagullVersion' => array(SGL_NEUTRAL => 0), ); var $aErrors = array( 'phpVersion' => 'As a minimum you need to be running PHP version 4.3.0 to run Seagull', 'operatingSystem' => '', 'webserverSapi' => '', 'webserverPort' => '', 'webserverSoftware' => '', 'seagullVersion' => '', ); function run() { $this->aData['phpVersion'] = phpversion(); $this->aData['operatingSystem'] = php_uname('s') .' '. php_uname('r') .', '. php_uname('m'); $this->aData['webserverSapi'] = php_sapi_name(); $this->aData['webserverPort'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; $this->aData['webserverSoftware'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']; $this->aData['seagullVersion'] = file_get_contents(SGL_PATH . '/VERSION.txt'); return $this->render($this->aData); } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_GetPhpIniValues extends SGL_EnvSummaryTask { var $title = 'php.ini Settings'; var $key = 'php.ini_settings'; var $aRequirements = array( 'safe_mode' => array(SGL_REQUIRED => 0), 'register_globals' => array(SGL_RECOMMENDED => 0), 'magic_quotes_gpc' => array(SGL_RECOMMENDED => 0), 'magic_quotes_runtime' => array(SGL_RECOMMENDED => 0), 'session.use_trans_sid' => array(SGL_RECOMMENDED => 0), 'allow_url_fopen' => array(SGL_RECOMMENDED => 0), 'file_uploads' => array(SGL_RECOMMENDED => 1), 'post_max_size' => array(SGL_RECOMMENDED => '10M'), 'upload_max_filesize' => array(SGL_RECOMMENDED => '10M'), ); var $aErrors = array( 'safe_mode' => "This software will not work correctly if safe_mode is enabled", 'memory_limit' => "Please set the option 'memory_limit' in your php.ini to a minimum of 16MB", ); function run() { $this->aData['safe_mode'] = ini_get2('safe_mode'); $this->aData['register_globals'] = ini_get2('register_globals'); $this->aData['magic_quotes_gpc'] = ini_get2('magic_quotes_gpc'); $this->aData['magic_quotes_runtime'] = ini_get2('magic_quotes_runtime'); $this->aData['session.use_trans_sid'] = ini_get2('session.use_trans_sid'); $this->aData['allow_url_fopen'] = ini_get2('allow_url_fopen'); $this->aData['file_uploads'] = ini_get2('file_uploads'); $this->aData['post_max_size'] = ini_get('post_max_size'); $this->aData['upload_max_filesize'] = ini_get('upload_max_filesize'); if (ini_get('memory_limit')) { $this->aRequirements['memory_limit'] = array(SGL_REQUIRED => '>8M'); $this->aData['memory_limit'] = ini_get('memory_limit'); } return $this->render($this->aData); } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_GetFilesystemInfo extends SGL_EnvSummaryTask { var $title = 'Filesystem info'; var $key = 'filesystem_info'; var $mandatory = true; var $aRequirements = array( 'installRoot' => array(SGL_NEUTRAL => 0), 'varDirExists' => array(SGL_REQUIRED => 1), 'varDirIsWritable' => array(SGL_REQUIRED => 1), ); var $aErrors = array( 'installRoot' => '', 'varDirExists' => 'It appears you do not have a "var" folder, please create a folder with this name in the root of your Seagull install', 'varDirIsWritable' => "Your \"var\" dir is not writable by the webserver, to make it writable type the following at the command line: chmod 777 %e", ); function run() { $this->aData['installRoot'] = SGL_PATH; $this->aData['varDirExists'] = bool2int(file_exists(SGL_VAR_DIR)); $this->aData['varDirIsWritable'] = bool2int(is_writable(SGL_VAR_DIR)); return $this->render($this->aData); } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_GetPearInfo extends SGL_EnvSummaryTask { var $title = 'PEAR Environment'; var $key = 'pear_environment'; var $mandatory = true; var $aRequirements = array( 'pearFolderExists' => array(SGL_REQUIRED => 1), 'pearLibIsLoadable' => array(SGL_REQUIRED => 1), 'pearPath' => array(SGL_NEUTRAL => 0), 'pearSystemLibIsLoadable' => array(SGL_REQUIRED => 1), 'pearRegistryLibIsLoadable' => array(SGL_REQUIRED => 1), 'pearRegistryIsObject' => array(SGL_REQUIRED => 1), 'pearBundledPackages' => array(SGL_NEUTRAL => 0), ); function run() { if (defined('SGL_PEAR_INSTALLED')) { $this->aData['pearFolderExists'] = true; $this->aData['pearLibIsLoadable'] = true; $includeSeparator = (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') ? ';' : ':'; $this->aData['pearPath'] = @ini_get('include_path'); $this->aData['pearSystemLibIsLoadable'] = true; $this->aData['pearRegistryLibIsLoadable'] = true; require_once 'System.php'; require_once 'PEAR/Registry.php'; $registry = new PEAR_Registry(); $this->aData['pearRegistryIsObject'] = bool2int(is_object($registry)); $this->aData['pearBundledPackages'] = $registry->_listPackages(); } else { $this->aData['pearFolderExists'] = bool2int(file_exists(SGL_LIB_PEAR_DIR)); $this->aData['pearLibIsLoadable'] = bool2int(include_once SGL_LIB_PEAR_DIR . '/PEAR.php'); $includeSeparator = (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') ? ';' : ':'; $ok = @ini_set('include_path', '.' . $includeSeparator . SGL_LIB_PEAR_DIR); $this->aData['pearPath'] = @ini_get('include_path'); $this->aData['pearSystemLibIsLoadable'] = bool2int(require_once 'System.php'); $this->aData['pearRegistryLibIsLoadable'] = bool2int(require_once 'PEAR/Registry.php'); $registry = new PEAR_Registry(SGL_LIB_PEAR_DIR); $this->aData['pearRegistryIsObject'] = bool2int(is_object($registry)); $aPackages = $registry->_listPackages(); sort($aPackages); $this->aData['pearBundledPackages'] = $aPackages; } return $this->render($this->aData); } } ?>