| // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // $Id$ /** * Basic init tasks: sets up paths, contstants, include_path, etc. * * @author Demian Turner */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../Task.php'; // if SGL_FrontController::init() called without index.php if (!isset($GLOBALS['varDir'])) { $GLOBALS['varDir'] = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../var'); $GLOBALS['rootDir'] = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../'); } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_SetupPaths extends SGL_Task { /** * Sets up the minimum paths required for framework execution. * * - SGL_SERVER_NAME must always be known in order to rewrite config file * - SGL_PATH is the filesystem root path * - pear include path is setup * - PEAR.php included for errors, etc * * @param array $data */ function run($conf) { define('SGL_SERVER_NAME', $this->hostnameToFilename()); if (defined('SGL_PEAR_INSTALLED')) { define('SGL_PATH', '@PHP-DIR@/Seagull'); define('SGL_LIB_PEAR_DIR', '@PHP-DIR@'); } else { $path = $GLOBALS['varDir'] . '/INSTALL_COMPLETE.php'; if (is_file($path)) { $configFile = $GLOBALS['varDir'] . '/' . SGL_Task_SetupPaths::hostnameToFilename() . '.conf.php'; require_once $configFile; if (!empty($conf['path']['installRoot'])) { define('SGL_PATH', $conf['path']['installRoot']); } } else { define('SGL_PATH', $GLOBALS['rootDir']); } define('SGL_LIB_PEAR_DIR', SGL_PATH . '/lib/pear'); } if (!defined('PATH_SEPARATOR')) { // defined in >= PHP 4.3.4 define('PATH_SEPARATOR', (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') ? ';' : ':'); } $sglPath = '.' . PATH_SEPARATOR . SGL_LIB_PEAR_DIR; $allowed = @ini_set('include_path', $sglPath); if (!$allowed) { // depends on PHP version being >= 4.3.0 if (function_exists('set_include_path')) { set_include_path('.' . PATH_SEPARATOR . SGL_LIB_PEAR_DIR); } else { die('You need at least PHP 4.3.0 if you want to run Seagull with safe mode enabled.'); } } } /** * Determines the name of the INI file, based on the host name. * * If PHP is being run interactively (CLI) where no $_SERVER vars * are available, a default 'localhost' is supplied. * * @return string the name of the host */ function hostnameToFilename() { // start with a default $hostName = 'localhost'; if (!SGL::runningFromCLI()) { // Determine the host name if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { $hostName = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { // do some spoof checking here, like // if (gethostbyname($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) != $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']) $hostName = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } else { // if neither of these variables are set // we're going to have a hard time setting up die('Could not determine your server name'); } // Determine if the port number needs to be added onto the end if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 80 && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 443) { $hostName .= '_' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; } } return $hostName; } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_SetupConstantsStart extends SGL_Task { function run($conf) { // framework file structure if (defined('SGL_PEAR_INSTALLED')) { define('SGL_VAR_DIR', '@DATA-DIR@/Seagull/var'); define('SGL_ETC_DIR', '@DATA-DIR@/Seagull/etc'); define('SGL_APP_ROOT', '@PHP-DIR@/Seagull'); } else { define('SGL_VAR_DIR', SGL_PATH . '/var'); define('SGL_ETC_DIR', SGL_PATH . '/etc'); define('SGL_APP_ROOT', SGL_PATH); } define('SGL_LOG_DIR', SGL_VAR_DIR . '/log'); define('SGL_CACHE_DIR', SGL_VAR_DIR . '/cache'); define('SGL_LIB_DIR', SGL_APP_ROOT . '/lib'); define('SGL_ENT_DIR', SGL_CACHE_DIR . '/entities'); define('SGL_DAT_DIR', SGL_APP_ROOT . '/lib/data'); define('SGL_CORE_DIR', SGL_APP_ROOT . '/lib/SGL'); // error codes to use with SGL::raiseError() // start at -100 in order not to conflict with PEAR::DB error codes /** * Wrong args to function. */ define('SGL_ERROR_INVALIDARGS', -101); /** * Something wrong with the config. */ define('SGL_ERROR_INVALIDCONFIG', -102); /** * No data available. */ define('SGL_ERROR_NODATA', -103); /** * No class exists. */ define('SGL_ERROR_NOCLASS', -104); /** * No method exists. */ define('SGL_ERROR_NOMETHOD', -105); /** * No rows were affected by query. */ define('SGL_ERROR_NOAFFECTEDROWS', -106); /** * Limit queries on unsuppored databases. */ define('SGL_ERROR_NOTSUPPORTED' , -107); /** * Invalid call. */ define('SGL_ERROR_INVALIDCALL', -108); /** * Authentication failure. */ define('SGL_ERROR_INVALIDAUTH', -109); /** * Failed to send email. */ define('SGL_ERROR_EMAILFAILURE', -110); /** * Failed to connect to DB. */ define('SGL_ERROR_DBFAILURE', -111); /** * A DB transaction failed. */ define('SGL_ERROR_DBTRANSACTIONFAILURE',-112); /** * User not allow to access site. */ define('SGL_ERROR_BANNEDUSER', -113); /** * File not found. */ define('SGL_ERROR_NOFILE', -114); /** * Perms were invalid. */ define('SGL_ERROR_INVALIDFILEPERMS', -115); /** * Session was invalid. */ define('SGL_ERROR_INVALIDSESSION', -116); /** * Posted data was invalid. */ define('SGL_ERROR_INVALIDPOST', -117); /** * Translation invalid. */ define('SGL_ERROR_INVALIDTRANSLATION', -118); /** * Could not write to the file. */ define('SGL_ERROR_FILEUNWRITABLE', -119); /** * Method perms were invalid. */ define('SGL_ERROR_INVALIDMETHODPERMS', -120); /** * Authorisation is invalid. */ define('SGL_ERROR_INVALIDAUTHORISATION', -121); /** * Request was invalid. */ define('SGL_ERROR_INVALIDREQUEST', -122); /** * Type invalid. */ define('SGL_ERROR_INVALIDTYPE', -123); /** * Excessive recursion occured. */ define('SGL_ERROR_RECURSION', -124); /** * Resource could not be found. */ define('SGL_ERROR_RESOURCENOTFOUND', -404); // message types to use with SGL:raiseMsg($msg, $translation, $msgType) define('SGL_MESSAGE_ERROR', 0); // by default define('SGL_MESSAGE_INFO', 1); define('SGL_MESSAGE_WARNING', 2); // automate sorting define('SGL_SORTBY_GRP', 1); define('SGL_SORTBY_USER', 2); define('SGL_SORTBY_ORG', 3); // Seagull user roles define('SGL_ANY_ROLE', -2); define('SGL_UNASSIGNED', -1); define('SGL_GUEST', 0); define('SGL_ADMIN', 1); define('SGL_MEMBER', 2); define('SGL_STATUS_DELETED', 0); define('SGL_STATUS_FOR_APPROVAL', 1); define('SGL_STATUS_BEING_EDITED', 2); define('SGL_STATUS_APPROVED', 3); define('SGL_STATUS_PUBLISHED', 4); define('SGL_STATUS_ARCHIVED', 5); // comment status types define('SGL_COMMENT_FOR_APPROVAL', 0); define('SGL_COMMENT_APPROVED', 1); define('SGL_COMMENT_AKISMET_PASSED', 2); define('SGL_COMMENT_AKISMET_FAILED', 3); // define return types, k/v pairs, arrays, strings, etc define('SGL_RET_NAME_VALUE', 1); define('SGL_RET_ID_VALUE', 2); define('SGL_RET_ARRAY', 3); define('SGL_RET_STRING', 4); // define string element define('SGL_CHAR', 1); define('SGL_WORD', 2); // define language id types define('SGL_LANG_ID_SGL', 1); define('SGL_LANG_ID_TRANS2', 2); // various define('SGL_ANY_SECTION', 0); define('SGL_NEXT_ID', 0); define('SGL_NOTICES_DISABLED', 0); define('SGL_NOTICES_ENABLED', 1); // with logging, you can optionally show the file + line no. where // SGL::logMessage was called from define('SGL_DEBUG_SHOW_LINE_NUMBERS', false); // to overcome overload problem define('DB_DATAOBJECT_NO_OVERLOAD', true); } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_SetupConstantsFinish extends SGL_Task { function run($conf) { // include Log.php if logging enabled if (isset($conf['log']['enabled']) && $conf['log']['enabled']) { require_once 'Log.php'; } else { // define log levels to avoid notices, since Log.php not included define('PEAR_LOG_EMERG', 0); /** System is unusable */ define('PEAR_LOG_ALERT', 1); /** Immediately action */ define('PEAR_LOG_CRIT', 2); /** Critical conditions */ define('PEAR_LOG_ERR', 3); /** Error conditions */ define('PEAR_LOG_WARNING', 4); /** Warning conditions */ define('PEAR_LOG_NOTICE', 5); /** Normal but significant */ define('PEAR_LOG_INFO', 6); /** Informational */ define('PEAR_LOG_DEBUG', 7); /** Debug-level messages */ } // On install, $conf is empty let's load it if (empty($conf) && file_exists(SGL_ETC_DIR . '/customInstallDefaults.ini')) { $c = &SGL_Config::singleton(); $conf1 = $c->load(SGL_ETC_DIR . '/customInstallDefaults.ini'); if (isset($conf1['path']['moduleDirOverride'])) { $conf['path']['moduleDirOverride'] = $conf1['path']['moduleDirOverride']; } // On re-install or INSTALL_COMPLETE } elseif (count($conf)) { // set constant to represent profiling mode so it can be used in Controller define('SGL_PROFILING_ENABLED', ($conf['debug']['profiling']) ? true : false); define('SGL_SEAGULL_VERSION', $conf['tuples']['version']); // which degree of error severity before emailing admin define('SGL_EMAIL_ADMIN_THRESHOLD', SGL_String::pseudoConstantToInt($conf['debug']['emailAdminThreshold'])); define('SGL_BASE_URL', $conf['site']['baseUrl']); // add additional search paths if (!empty($conf['path']['additionalIncludePath'])) { $ok = ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path') . PATH_SEPARATOR . $conf['path']['additionalIncludePath']); } } if (isset($conf['path']['webRoot'])) { define('SGL_WEB_ROOT', $conf['path']['webRoot']); } elseif (defined('SGL_PEAR_INSTALLED')) { define('SGL_WEB_ROOT', '@WEB-DIR@/Seagull/www'); } else { define('SGL_WEB_ROOT', SGL_PATH . '/www'); } define('SGL_THEME_DIR', SGL_WEB_ROOT . '/themes'); if (!empty($conf['path']['moduleDirOverride'])) { define('SGL_MOD_DIR', SGL_APP_ROOT . '/' . $conf['path']['moduleDirOverride']); } else { define('SGL_MOD_DIR', SGL_APP_ROOT . '/modules'); } if (!empty($conf['path']['uploadDirOverride'])) { define('SGL_UPLOAD_DIR', SGL_PATH . $conf['path']['uploadDirOverride']); } else { define('SGL_UPLOAD_DIR', SGL_VAR_DIR . '/uploads'); } if (!empty($conf['path']['tmpDirOverride'])) { define('SGL_TMP_DIR', $conf['path']['tmpDirOverride']); } else { define('SGL_TMP_DIR', SGL_VAR_DIR . '/tmp'); } } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_InitialiseDbDataObject extends SGL_Task { function run() { $options = &PEAR::getStaticProperty('DB_DataObject', 'options'); $options = array( 'database' => SGL_DB::getDsn(SGL_DSN_STRING), 'schema_location' => SGL_ENT_DIR, 'class_location' => SGL_ENT_DIR, 'require_prefix' => SGL_ENT_DIR . '/', 'class_prefix' => 'DataObjects_', 'debug' => SGL_Config::get('debug.dataObject'), 'production' => 0, 'ignore_sequence_keys' => 'ALL', 'generator_strip_schema'=> 1, 'quote_identifiers' => 1, ); } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_EnsurePlaceholderDbPrefixIsNull extends SGL_Task { function run($conf) { // for 0.6.x versions if (!empty($conf['db']['prefix']) && $conf['db']['prefix'] == 'not implemented yet') { $config = &SGL_Config::singleton(); $config->set('db', array('prefix' => '')); $config->save(); } } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_SetGlobals extends SGL_Task { function run($data) { $GLOBALS['_SGL']['BANNED_IPS'] = array(); $GLOBALS['_SGL']['ERRORS'] = array(); $GLOBALS['_SGL']['QUERY_COUNT'] = 0; $GLOBALS['_SGL']['ERROR_OVERRIDE'] = false; $GLOBALS['_SGL']['CHARSET'] = ''; } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_SetupPearErrorCallback extends SGL_Task { function run($conf) { // set PEAR error handler #$old_error_handler = set_error_handler("myErrorHandler"); PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, array($this, 'pearErrorHandler')); if (!SGL_Config::get('debug.showBacktrace')) { $options = &PEAR::getStaticProperty('PEAR_Error', 'skiptrace'); $options = true; } } /** * A callback method that sets the default PEAR error behaviour. * * @access public * @static * @param object $oError the PEAR error object * @return void */ function pearErrorHandler($oError) { // log message $message = $oError->getMessage(); $debugInfo = $oError->getDebugInfo(); SGL::logMessage('PEAR' . " :: $message : $debugInfo", PEAR_LOG_ERR); // send error info to screen SGL_Error::push($oError); if (SGL_Config::get('debug.showBacktrace')) { echo '
'; print_r($oError->getBacktrace()); print '
'; } } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_SetupCustomErrorHandler extends SGL_Task { function run($conf) { // start custom PHP error handler if (isset( $conf['debug']['customErrorHandler']) && $conf['debug']['customErrorHandler'] == true && !defined('SGL_TEST_MODE')) { require_once SGL_CORE_DIR . '/ErrorHandler.php'; $eh = & new SGL_ErrorHandler(); $eh->startHandler(); // clean start for logs error_log(' '); error_log('########## New request: '.trim($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).' ##########'); } else { // otherwise setup standard PHP error handling if (!empty($conf['debug']['production'])) { ini_set('display_errors', false); } if (!empty($conf['log']['enabled'])) { ini_set('log_errors', true); } } } } /** * Routine to discover the base url of the installation. * * Only gets invoked if user deletes URL in config, or if we're setting up. * * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_SetBaseUrl extends SGL_Task { function run($conf) { if (!(isset($conf['site']['baseUrl']))) { // defines SGL_BASE_URL constant require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Install.php'; SGL_Task_SetBaseUrlMinimal::run(); } } } // $userInfo = posix_getpwuid(fileowner($configFile)); // $fileOwnerName = $userInfo['name']; // $allowedFileOwners = array('nobody', 'apache'); // // if (!in_array($fileOwnerName, $allowedFileOwners)) { // die("
Your config file in the seagull/var directory has the wrong " . // "owner (currently set as: $fileOwnerName). " . // "Please set the correct file owner to this directory and it's contents, eg:
" . // "'chmod -R 777 seagull/var'"); // } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_ModifyIniSettings extends SGL_Task { function run($conf) { // set php.ini directives @ini_set('session.auto_start', 0); // sessions will fail fail if enabled @ini_set('allow_url_fopen', 0); // this can be quite dangerous if enabled if (count($conf)) { @ini_set('error_log', SGL_PATH . '/' . $conf['log']['name']); if (!empty($conf['log']['ignoreRepeated'])) { ini_set('ignore_repeated_errors', true); ini_set('ignore_repeated_source', true); } } } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_RegisterTrustedIPs extends SGL_Task { function run($data) { // only IPs defined here can access debug sessions and delete config files $GLOBALS['_SGL']['TRUSTED_IPS'] = array( '', ); } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_LoadCustomConfig extends SGL_Task { function run($conf) { if (!empty($conf['path']['pathToCustomConfigFile'])) { if (is_file($conf['path']['pathToCustomConfigFile'])) { require_once realpath($conf['path']['pathToCustomConfigFile']); } } } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_InitialiseModules extends SGL_Task { function run() { $c = &SGL_Config::singleton(); $conf = $c->getAll(); // skip if we're in installer if (defined('SGL_INSTALLED')) { $locator = &SGL_ServiceLocator::singleton(); $dbh = $locator->get('DB'); if (!$dbh) { $dbh = & SGL_DB::singleton(); $locator->register('DB', $dbh); } // this task can be called when installing a new module if (!empty($conf['aModuleList'])) { $oMod = new stdClass(); $oMod->name = $conf['aModuleList'][0]; $aRet[] = $oMod; } else { $query = " SELECT name FROM {$conf['table']['module']} "; $aRet = $dbh->getAll($query); } if (is_array($aRet) && count($aRet)) { foreach ($aRet as $oModule) { $moduleInitFile = SGL_MOD_DIR . '/' . $oModule->name . '/init.php'; if (is_file($moduleInitFile)) { require_once $moduleInitFile; } } } } } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_EnsureBC extends SGL_Task { function run($data) { // load BC functions depending on PHP version detected if (!function_exists('version_compare') || version_compare(phpversion(), "4.3.0", 'lt')) { require_once SGL_ETC_DIR . '/bc.php'; } if (!(function_exists('file_put_contents'))) { function file_put_contents($location, $data) { if (is_file($location)) { unlink($location); } $fileHandler = fopen($location, "w"); fwrite ($fileHandler, $data); fclose ($fileHandler); return true; } } if (!function_exists('getSystemTime')) { function getSystemTime() { $time = gettimeofday(); $resultTime = $time['sec'] * 1000; $resultTime += floor($time['usec'] / 1000); return $resultTime; } } } } // +---------------------------------------+ // | Abstract classes | // +---------------------------------------+ /** * Abstract request processor. * * @abstract * @package SGL * */ class SGL_ProcessRequest { function process(/*SGL_Output*/ $data) {} } /** * Decorator. * * @abstract * @package SGL */ class SGL_DecorateProcess extends SGL_ProcessRequest { var $processRequest; function SGL_DecorateProcess(/* SGL_ProcessRequest */ $pr) { $this->processRequest = $pr; } } /** * Abstract renderer strategy * * @abstract * @package SGL */ class SGL_OutputRendererStrategy { /** * Prepare renderer options. * */ function initEngine() {} /** * Abstract render method. * * @param SGL_View $view */ function render($view) {} } /** * Container for output data and renderer strategy. * * @abstract * @package SGL */ class SGL_View { /** * Output object. * * @var SGL_Output */ var $data; /** * Reference to renderer strategy. * * @var SGL_OutputRendererStrategy */ var $rendererStrategy; /** * Constructor. * * @param SGL_Output $data * @param SGL_OutputRendererStrategy $rendererStrategy * @return SGL_View */ function SGL_View(&$data, $rendererStrategy) { $this->data = &$data; $this->rendererStrategy = $rendererStrategy; } /** * Post processing tasks specific to view type. * * @abstract * @return boolean */ function postProcess() {} /** * Delegates rendering strategy based on view. * * @return string Rendered output data */ function render() { return $this->rendererStrategy->render($this); } } /** * Wrapper for simple HTML views. * * @package SGL */ class SGL_HtmlSimpleView extends SGL_View { /** * HTML renderer decorator * * @param SGL_Output $data * @return string Rendered output data */ function SGL_HtmlSimpleView(&$data, $templateEngine = null) { // prepare renderer class if (!$templateEngine) { $templateEngine = SGL_Config::get('site.templateEngine'); } $templateEngine = ucfirst($templateEngine); $rendererClass = 'SGL_HtmlRenderer_' . $templateEngine . 'Strategy'; $rendererFile = $templateEngine.'Strategy.php'; if (is_file(SGL_LIB_DIR . '/SGL/HtmlRenderer/' . $rendererFile)) { require_once SGL_LIB_DIR . '/SGL/HtmlRenderer/' . $rendererFile; } else { PEAR::raiseError('Could not find renderer', SGL_ERROR_NOFILE, PEAR_ERROR_DIE); } parent::SGL_View($data, new $rendererClass); } } ?>