| // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../Task.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../Install/Common.php'; /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_SetBaseUrlMinimal extends SGL_Task { function run($data = array()) { // no data if we're running installer if (!defined('SGL_INSTALLED')) { $conf = array( 'site' => array( 'setup' => true, 'frontScriptName' => 'index.php', 'defaultModule' => 'default', 'defaultManager' => 'default', ), 'cookie' => array('name' => ''), ); // create default config values for install $c = &SGL_Config::singleton($autoLoad = false); $c->merge($conf); } // resolve value for $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] based in host SGL_URL::resolveServerVars(); $url = new SGL_URL($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], true, new SGL_UrlParser_SefStrategy()); $err = $url->init(); define('SGL_BASE_URL', $url->getBase()); } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_SetTimeout extends SGL_Task { function run($data) { if (array_key_exists('storeTranslationsInDB', $data) && $data['storeTranslationsInDB'] == 1) { $ok = set_time_limit(60*(count($data['installLangs']))); } else { $ok = set_time_limit(120); } return $ok; } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_CreateConfig extends SGL_Task { function run($data) { $c = &SGL_Config::singleton($autoLoad = false); $oldConf = $c->getAll(); // save old config on re-install $conf = $c->load(SGL_ETC_DIR . '/default.conf.dist.ini'); $c->replace($conf); $c->merge($oldConf); // overwrite with old values // admin emails $c->set('email', array('admin' => $data['adminEmail'])); $c->set('email', array('info' => $data['adminEmail'])); $c->set('email', array('support' => $data['adminEmail'])); // correct db prefix if (!empty($data['prefix']) && substr($data['prefix'], -1) != '_') { // enforce underscore in prefix $data['prefix'] .= '_'; } // mysql storage $mysqlStorageEngine = !empty($data['dbMysqlDefaultStorageEngine']) ? $data['dbMysqlDefaultStorageEngine'] : false; // db details $c->set('db', array('prefix' => $data['prefix'])); $c->set('db', array('host' => $data['host'])); $c->set('db', array('name' => $data['name'])); $c->set('db', array('user' => $data['databaseUser'])); $c->set('db', array('pass' => $data['databaseUserPass'])); $c->set('db', array('port' => $data['dbPort']['port'])); $c->set('db', array('protocol' => $data['dbProtocol']['protocol'])); $c->set('db', array('socket' => $data['socket'])); $c->set('db', array('type' => $data['dbType']['type'])); $c->set('db', array('postConnect' => $data['postConnect'])); $c->set('db', array('mysqlDefaultStorageEngine' => $mysqlStorageEngine)); $c->set('db', array('sepTableForEachSequence' => !$data['dbSequencesInOneTable']['dbSequences'])); // version $c->set('tuples', array('version' => $data['frameworkVersion'])); // demo mode if (is_file(SGL_VAR_DIR . '/DEMO_MODE')) { $c->set('tuples', array('demoMode' => true)); } // paths $c->set('path', array('installRoot' => $data['installRoot'])); $c->set('path', array('webRoot' => $data['webRoot'])); // reset moduleOverride on re-install $c->set('path', array('moduleDirOverride' => '')); // various $c->set('site', array('serverTimeOffset' => $data['serverTimeOffset'])); $c->set('site', array('baseUrl' => SGL_BASE_URL)); $c->set('site', array('name' => $data['siteName'])); $c->set('site', array('description' => $data['siteDesc'])); $c->set('site', array('keywords' => $data['siteKeywords'])); $c->set('site', array('blocksEnabled' => true)); $c->set('cookie', array('name' => $data['siteCookie'])); // store translations in db (array_key_exists('storeTranslationsInDB', $data) && $data['storeTranslationsInDB'] == 1) ? $c->set('translation', array('container' => 'db')) : $c->set('translation', array('container' => 'file')); // add missing translations to db (array_key_exists('addMissingTranslationsToDB', $data) && $data['addMissingTranslationsToDB'] == 1) ? $c->set('translation', array('addMissingTrans' => true)) : $c->set('translation', array('addMissingTrans' => false)); // translation fallback language $fallbackLang = str_replace('-', '_', $data['siteLanguage']); $c->set('translation', array('fallbackLang' => $fallbackLang)); // auto-correct frontScriptName for CGI users if (preg_match("/cgi|apache2filter/i", php_sapi_name())) { $c->set('site', array('frontScriptName' => 'index.php?')); } // parse custom config overrides foreach ($data as $k => $v) { if (is_array($v)) { foreach ($v as $kk => $vv) { if ($c->exists(array($k => $kk))) { $c->set($k, array($kk => $vv)); } } } } // remove setup key before writing out file $ok = $c->remove(array('site', 'setup')); // save $configFile = SGL_VAR_DIR . '/' . SGL_SERVER_NAME . '.conf.php'; $ok = $c->save($configFile); if (PEAR::isError($ok)) { SGL_Install_Common::errorPush($ok); } // store site language for post-install task $_SESSION['install_language'] = $data['siteLanguage']; // and tz $_SESSION['install_timezone'] = $data['serverTimeOffset']; // store old prefix for tables drop if (isset($oldConf['db']['prefix']) && $oldConf['db']['prefix'] != $data['prefix']) { $_SESSION['install_dbPrefix'] = $oldConf['db']['prefix']; } return $ok; } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_UpdateHtmlTask extends SGL_Task { function updateHtml($id, $displayHtml) { if (SGL::runningFromCli() || defined('SGL_ADMIN_REBUILD')) { return false; } if ($id == 'status') { $msg = $displayHtml; $displayHtml = '' . $msg . ''; } echo ""; // echo 5K+ worth of spaces, since some browsers will buffer internally until they get 4K echo str_repeat(' ', 5120); flush(); } function setup() { $c = &SGL_Config::singleton(); $this->conf = $c->getAll(); // setup db type vars $this->dbType = $this->conf['db']['type']; switch ($this->conf['db']['type']) { case 'pgsql': $this->filename1 = '/schema.pg.sql'; $this->filename2 = '/data.default.pg.sql'; $this->filename3 = '/data.sample.pg.sql'; $this->filename4 = '/data.block.add.pg.sql'; $this->filename5 = '/data.custom.pg.sql'; $this->filename6 = '/data.test.pg.sql'; $this->filename7 = '/constraints.pg.sql'; break; case 'mysql': case 'mysqli': case 'mysql_SGL': case 'mysqli_SGL': $this->filename1 = '/schema.my.sql'; $this->filename2 = '/data.default.my.sql'; $this->filename3 = '/data.sample.my.sql'; $this->filename4 = '/data.block.add.my.sql'; $this->filename5 = '/data.custom.my.sql'; $this->filename6 = '/data.test.my.sql'; $this->filename7 = '/constraints.my.sql'; break; case 'oci8_SGL': $this->dbType = 'oci8'; // exception to dbType naming $this->filename1 = '/schema.oci.sql'; $this->filename2 = '/data.default.oci.sql'; $this->filename3 = '/data.sample.oci.sql'; $this->filename4 = '/data.block.add.oci.sql'; $this->filename5 = '/data.custom.oci.sql'; $this->filename6 = '/data.test.oci.sql'; $this->filename7 = '/constraints.oci.sql'; break; } // these hold what to display in results grid, depending on outcome $this->success = '' ; $this->failure = 'ERROR'; $this->noFile = 'N/A'; } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_DefineTableAliases extends SGL_Task { function run($data) { $c = &SGL_Config::singleton(); // get table prefix $prefix = $c->get(array('db' => 'prefix')); foreach ($data['aModuleList'] as $module) { $tableAliasIniPath = SGL_MOD_DIR . '/' . $module . '/data/tableAliases.ini'; if (file_exists($tableAliasIniPath)) { $aData = parse_ini_file($tableAliasIniPath); foreach ($aData as $k => $v) { $c->set('table', array($k => $prefix . $v)); } } } // save $configFile = (SGL::runningFromCli()) ? SGL_VAR_DIR . '/' . $data['serverName']. '.conf.php' : SGL_VAR_DIR . '/' . SGL_SERVER_NAME . '.conf.php'; $ok = $c->save($configFile); if (PEAR::isError($ok)) { SGL_Install_Common::errorPush($ok); } return $ok; } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_DisableForeignKeyChecks extends SGL_Task { function run($data) { $c = &SGL_Config::singleton(); $this->conf = $c->getAll(); // disable fk constraints if mysql (>= 4.1.x) if ($this->conf['db']['type'] == 'mysql_SGL' || $this->conf['db']['type'] == 'mysql' || $this->conf['db']['type'] == 'mysqli' || $this->conf['db']['type'] == 'mysqli_SGL') { $dbh = & SGL_DB::singleton(); if (PEAR::isError($dbh)) { SGL_Install_Common::errorPush($dbh); return $dbh; } $query = 'SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;'; $res = $dbh->query($query); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { SGL_Install_Common::errorPush($res); } return $res; } } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_CreateDatabase extends SGL_Task { function run($data) { $c = &SGL_Config::singleton(); $this->conf = $c->getAll(); if ($this->conf['db']['type'] == 'pgsql') { $excludeDbName = false; } else { $excludeDbName = true; } $dsn = SGL_DB::getDsn(SGL_DSN_STRING, $excludeDbName); $dbh = & SGL_DB::singleton($dsn); $query = SGL_Sql::buildDbCreateStatement($this->conf['db']['type'], $dbh->quoteIdentifier($this->conf['db']['name'])); $res = $dbh->query($query); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { SGL_Install_Common::errorPush($res); } } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_DropDatabase extends SGL_Task { function run($data) { $c = &SGL_Config::singleton(); $this->conf = $c->getAll(); $dbh = & SGL_DB::singleton(); require_once SGL_CORE_DIR . '/Sql.php'; $query = SGL_Sql::buildDbDropStatement($this->conf['db']['type'], $dbh->quoteIdentifier($this->conf['db']['name'])); $res = $dbh->query($query); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { SGL_Install_Common::errorPush($res); } } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_PrepareInstallationProgressTable extends SGL_UpdateHtmlTask { function run($data) { SGL_Install_Common::printHeader('Building Database'); if (!(SGL::runningFromCli() || defined('SGL_ADMIN_REBUILD'))) { echo 'Status:
'; flush(); } if (array_key_exists('createTables', $data) && $data['createTables'] == 1) { $this->setup(); $statusText = 'Fetching modules'; $this->updateHtml('status', $statusText); // Print table shell, with module names; we'll update statuses as we execute sql below $out = ' '; if (!array_key_exists('useExistingData', $data) || $data['useExistingData'] == 0) { $out .= ' '; } $out .= ' '; if (array_key_exists('insertSampleData', $data) && $data['insertSampleData'] == 1) { $out .= ' '; } $out .= ''; if (!(SGL::runningFromCli() || defined('SGL_ADMIN_REBUILD'))) { echo $out; } foreach ($data['aModuleList'] as $module) { $out = ' '; if (!array_key_exists('useExistingData', $data) || $data['useExistingData'] == 0) { $out .= ' '; } $out .= ' '; if (array_key_exists('insertSampleData', $data) && $data['insertSampleData'] == 1) { $out .=' '; } $out .= ''; if (!(SGL::runningFromCli() || defined('SGL_ADMIN_REBUILD'))) { echo $out; } } if (!(SGL::runningFromCli() || defined('SGL_ADMIN_REBUILD'))) { echo '
ModuleDrop TableCreate Table Load Default DataLoad Sample DataAdd Constraints
' . ucfirst($module) . '
'; flush(); } } } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_DropTables extends SGL_UpdateHtmlTask { function run($data) { require_once SGL_CORE_DIR . '/Sql.php'; if (array_key_exists('createTables', $data) && $data['createTables'] == 1 && (!array_key_exists('useExistingData', $data) || $data['useExistingData'] == 0)) { $this->setup(); $statusText = 'dropping existing tables'; $this->updateHtml('status', $statusText); $c = &SGL_Config::singleton(); $dbh = & SGL_DB::singleton(); // set old db prefix if any if (isset($_SESSION['install_dbPrefix'])) { $currentPrefix = $c->get(array('db' => 'prefix')); $c->set('db', array('prefix' => $_SESSION['install_dbPrefix'])); } // drop 'sequence' table unless we're installing a module if ($this->conf['db']['type'] == 'mysql_SGL' && !array_key_exists('moduleInstall', $data)) { $aSeqTableName = SGL_Sql::extractTableNamesFromSchema(SGL_ETC_DIR . '/sequence.my.sql'); foreach ($aSeqTableName as $seqTableName) { $query = 'DROP TABLE '. $dbh->quoteIdentifier($seqTableName); $seqResult = $dbh->query($query); if (PEAR::isError($seqResult, DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE)) { SGL_Error::pop(); } } } // Load each module's schema, if there is a sql file in /data foreach ($data['aModuleList'] as $module) { $modulePath = SGL_MOD_DIR . '/' . $module . '/data'; // Load the module's schema if (file_exists($modulePath . $this->filename1)) { $aTableNames = SGL_Sql::extractTableNamesFromSchema($modulePath . $this->filename1); $tableExists = true; $dropSucceeded = true; foreach ($aTableNames as $tableName) { $query = 'DROP TABLE ' . $dbh->quoteIdentifier($tableName); $result = $dbh->query($query); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { if (PEAR::isError($result, DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE)) { SGL_Error::pop(); $tableExists = false; } else { $dropSucceeded = false; } } } if (!$dropSucceeded) { $displayHtml = $this->failure; } elseif (!$tableExists) { $displayHtml = $this->noFile; } else { $displayHtml = $this->success; } // remove tablename in Config if (isset($data['moduleInstall'])) { foreach ($aTableNames as $tableName) { $c->remove(array('table', $tableName)); } // save $fileName = SGL_VAR_DIR . '/' . SGL_SERVER_NAME . '.conf.php'; $ok = $c->save($fileName); if (PEAR::isError($ok)) { SGL_Install_Common::errorPush($ok); } } $this->updateHtml($module . '_drop', $displayHtml); } else { $this->updateHtml($module . '_drop', $this->noFile); } } // remove translation tables and lang table if (!array_key_exists('moduleInstall', $data)) { $conf = $c->getAll(); if ($conf['translation']['container'] == 'db') { $statusText = 'dropping translation tables'; $this->updateHtml('status', $statusText); $trans = &SGL_Translation::singleton('admin'); $aLangs = $trans->getLangs('ids'); if (!PEAR::isError($aLangs)) { // removeme if (empty($aLangs)) { // basically $aLangs should be a PEAR_Error instance // in that case, but calling method doesn't // return it SGL_Error::pop(); } // dropping language tables foreach ($aLangs as $langId) { // force to drop translation table $ok = $trans->removeLang($langId, $force = true); if (PEAR::isError($ok, DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE)) { SGL_Error::pop(); } } } elseif (PEAR::isError($aLangs, DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE)) { SGL_Error::pop(); } // drop language table $langTable = &$trans->storage->options['langs_avail_table']; $query = 'DROP TABLE ' . $dbh->quoteIdentifier($langTable); $ok = $dbh->query($query); if (PEAR::isError($ok, DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE)) { SGL_Error::pop(); } // removeme: it looks like a hack if (isset($currentPrefix)) { $pattern = "/^{$conf['db']['prefix']}/"; $langTable = preg_replace($pattern, '', $langTable); $langTable = $currentPrefix . $langTable; } } } // restore db prefix if (isset($currentPrefix)) { $c->set('db', array('prefix' => $currentPrefix)); } } } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_CreateTables extends SGL_UpdateHtmlTask { function run($data) { require_once SGL_CORE_DIR . '/Sql.php'; if (array_key_exists('createTables', $data) && $data['createTables'] == 1) { $this->setup(); $statusText = 'creating and loading tables'; $this->updateHtml('status', $statusText); // load 'sequence' table if ($this->conf['db']['type'] == 'mysql_SGL' || $this->conf['db']['type'] == 'mysqli_SGL') { $result = SGL_Sql::parse(SGL_ETC_DIR . '/sequence.my.sql', 0, array('SGL_Sql', 'execute')); } // Load each module's schema, if there is a sql file in /data foreach ($data['aModuleList'] as $module) { $modulePath = SGL_MOD_DIR . '/' . $module . '/data'; // Load the module's schema if (file_exists($modulePath . $this->filename1)) { $result = SGL_Sql::parse($modulePath . $this->filename1, 0, array('SGL_Sql', 'execute')); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $result; } $displayHtml = $result ? $this->success : $this->failure; $this->updateHtml($module . '_schema', $displayHtml); } else { $this->updateHtml($module . '_schema', $this->noFile); } } // catch 'table already exists' error if (isset($result) && PEAR::isError($result, DB_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)) { if (SGL::runningFromCli() || defined('SGL_ADMIN_REBUILD')) { die('Tables already exist, DB error'); } else { $this->updateHtml('status', 'Tables already exist'); $body = 'It appears that the schema already exists. Click here to return to the configuration screen and choose \\"Only set DB connection details\\".'; $this->updateHtml('additionalInfo', $body); $this->updateHtml('progress_bar', ''); exit; } } } } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_LoadDefaultData extends SGL_UpdateHtmlTask { function run($data) { $result = false; if (array_key_exists('createTables', $data) && $data['createTables'] == 1) { $this->setup(); $statusText = 'loading default data'; $this->updateHtml('status', $statusText); // Go back and load each module's default data, if there is a sql file in /data foreach ($data['aModuleList'] as $module) { $modulePath = SGL_MOD_DIR . '/' . $module . '/data'; // Load the module's data if (file_exists($modulePath . $this->filename2)) { $result = SGL_Sql::parse($modulePath . $this->filename2, 0, array('SGL_Sql', 'execute')); $displayHtml = $result ? $this->success : $this->failure; $this->updateHtml($module . '_data', $displayHtml); } else { $this->updateHtml($module . '_data', $this->noFile); } } } return $result; } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_LoadSampleData extends SGL_UpdateHtmlTask { function run($data) { $result = false; if (array_key_exists('insertSampleData', $data) && $data['insertSampleData'] == 1) { $this->setup(); $statusText = 'loading sample data'; $this->updateHtml('status', $statusText); // Go back and load each module's default data, if there is a sql file in /data foreach ($data['aModuleList'] as $module) { $modulePath = SGL_MOD_DIR . '/' . $module . '/data'; // Load the module's data if (file_exists($modulePath . $this->filename3)) { $result = SGL_Sql::parse($modulePath . $this->filename3, 0, array('SGL_Sql', 'execute')); $displayHtml = $result ? $this->success : $this->failure; $this->updateHtml($module . '_dataSample', $displayHtml); } else { $this->updateHtml($module . '_dataSample', $this->noFile); } } } return $result; } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_LoadCustomData extends SGL_UpdateHtmlTask { function run($data) { $this->setup(); $statusText = 'loading custom data'; $this->updateHtml('status', $statusText); $result = false; // Go back and load each module's custom data, if there is a custom sql file in /data foreach ($data['aModuleList'] as $module) { $modulePath = SGL_MOD_DIR . '/' . $module . '/data'; // Load the module's custom data if exists if (file_exists($modulePath . $this->filename5)) { $result = SGL_Sql::parse($modulePath . $this->filename5, 0, array('SGL_Sql', 'execute')); } } return $result; } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_RemoveDefaultData extends SGL_Task { function run($data) { require_once SGL_MOD_DIR . '/default/classes/DefaultDAO.php'; $da = & DefaultDAO::singleton(); // get perms associated with module $aPermNames = $da->getPermNamesByModuleId($data['moduleId']); // delete role_permissions foreach ($aPermNames as $permName) { $permId = $da->getPermissionIdByPermName($permName); $ok = $da->deleteRolePermissionByPermId($permId); } // then delete perms $ok = $da->deletePermsByModuleId($data['moduleId']); } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_LoadBlockData extends SGL_UpdateHtmlTask { function run($data) { $result = false; if (array_key_exists('createTables', $data) && $data['createTables'] == 1 && (!array_key_exists('useExistingData', $data) || $data['useExistingData'] == 0)) { $this->setup(); $statusText = 'loading block data'; $this->updateHtml('status', $statusText); // Go back and load each module's default data, if there is a sql file in /data foreach ($data['aModuleList'] as $module) { $modulePath = SGL_MOD_DIR . '/' . $module . '/data'; // Load the module's data if (file_exists($modulePath . $this->filename4)) { $result = SGL_Sql::parse($modulePath . $this->filename4, 0, array('SGL_Sql', 'execute')); } } } return $result; } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_RemoveBlockData extends SGL_UpdateHtmlTask { function run($data) { $this->setup(); // Go back and load each module's default data, if there is a sql file in /data foreach ($data['aModuleList'] as $module) { $modulePath = SGL_MOD_DIR . '/' . $module . '/data'; // remove the module's block data // switch 'add' to 'remove' $filename = str_replace('add', 'remove', $this->filename4); if (is_file($modulePath . $filename)) { $result = SGL_Sql::parse($modulePath . $filename, 0, array('SGL_Sql', 'execute')); } } } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_CreateConstraints extends SGL_UpdateHtmlTask { function run($data) { if (array_key_exists('createTables', $data) && $data['createTables'] == 1) { $this->setup(); $statusText = 'loading constraints'; $this->updateHtml('status', $statusText); // Go back and load module foreign keys/constraints, if any foreach ($data['aModuleList'] as $module) { $modulePath = SGL_MOD_DIR . '/' . $module . '/data'; if (file_exists($modulePath . $this->filename7)) { $result = SGL_Sql::parse($modulePath . $this->filename7, 0, array('SGL_Sql', 'execute')); $displayHtml = $result ? $this->success : $this->failure; $this->updateHtml($module . '_constraints', $displayHtml); } else { $this->updateHtml($module . '_constraints', $this->noFile); } } } } } define('SGL_NODE_USER', 2); // nested set parent_id define('SGL_NODE_ADMIN', 4); // nested set parent_id define('SGL_NODE_GROUP', 1); /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_BuildNavigation extends SGL_UpdateHtmlTask { var $groupId = null; var $childId = null; function run($data) { if (array_key_exists('createTables', $data) && $data['createTables'] == 1 && (!array_key_exists('useExistingData', $data) || $data['useExistingData'] == 0)) { require_once SGL_MOD_DIR . '/navigation/classes/NavigationDAO.php'; $da = & NavigationDAO::singleton(); foreach ($data['aModuleList'] as $module) { $navigationPath = SGL_MOD_DIR . '/' . $module . '/data/navigation.php'; if (file_exists($navigationPath)) { require_once $navigationPath; if (isset($aSections)) { foreach ($aSections as $aSection) { // check if section is designated as child to last insert if ($aSection['parent_id'] == SGL_NODE_GROUP) { $aSection['parent_id'] = $this->groupId; } $id = $da->addSimpleSection($aSection); if (!PEAR::isError($id)) { if ($aSection['parent_id'] == SGL_NODE_ADMIN || $aSection['parent_id'] == SGL_NODE_USER) { $this->groupId = $id; } else { $this->childId = $id; } } else { SGL_Install_Common::errorPush($id); } } } } } } } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_RemoveNavigation extends SGL_Task { function run($data) { require_once SGL_MOD_DIR . '/navigation/classes/NavigationDAO.php'; $da = & NavigationDAO::singleton(); foreach ($data['aModuleList'] as $module) { $navigationPath = SGL_MOD_DIR . '/' . $module . '/data/navigation.php'; if (file_exists($navigationPath)) { require_once $navigationPath; foreach ($aSections as $aSection) { $sectionId = $da->getSectionIdByTitle($aSection['title']); if ($sectionId) { $ok = $da->deleteSectionById($sectionId); } } } } } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_EnableDebugBlock extends SGL_Task { function run($data) { require_once SGL_MOD_DIR . '/block/classes/BlockDAO.php'; $da = & BlockDAO::singleton(); if (!empty($da->conf['debug']['enableDebugBlock'])) { $oBlock = new stdClass(); $oBlock->name = 'Default_Block_Debug'; $oBlock->title = 'Debug Block'; $oBlock->is_enabled = 1; $oBlock->position = 'Left'; $oBlock->sections = array(0); // all $oBlock->roles = array(SGL_ADMIN); $ok = $da->addBlock($oBlock); } } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_LoadTranslations extends SGL_UpdateHtmlTask { function run($data) { $c = &SGL_Config::singleton(); $aLangOptions = SGL_Util::getLangsDescriptionMap(); if (array_key_exists('storeTranslationsInDB', $data) && $data['storeTranslationsInDB'] == 1) { $trans = & SGL_Translation::singleton('admin'); $this->setup(); $statusText = 'loading languages'; $this->updateHtml('status', $statusText); // fetch available languages $availableLanguages = & $GLOBALS['_SGL']['LANGUAGE']; // add languages to config $this->installedLanguages = $data['installLangs']; $langString = (is_array($data['installLangs'])) ? implode(',', str_replace('-', '_', $data['installLangs'])) : ''; $c->set('translation', array('installedLanguages' => $langString)); // iterate through languages adding to langs table foreach ($data['installLangs'] as $aLang) { $globalLangFile = $availableLanguages[$aLang][1] .'.php'; $langID = str_replace('-', '_', $aLang); // skip language creation during module install if (empty($data['skipLangTablesCreation'])) { $prefix = $this->conf['db']['prefix'] . $this->conf['translation']['tablePrefix'] . '_'; $encoding = substr($aLang, strpos('-', $aLang)); $langData = array( 'lang_id' => $langID, 'table_name' => $prefix . $langID, 'meta' => '', 'name' => $aLangOptions[$aLang], 'error_text' => 'not available', 'encoding' => $encoding ); // switch phptype to mysql when using mysql_SGL otherwise the langs table // and index's will not be created. if (($oldType = $trans->storage->db->phptype) == 'mysql_SGL') { $trans->storage->db->phptype = 'mysql'; } $result = $trans->addLang($langData); $trans->storage->db->phptype = $oldType; } // iterate through modules foreach ($data['aModuleList'] as $module) { $statusText = 'loading languages - '. $module .' ('. str_replace('_','-', $langID) .')'; $this->updateHtml('status', $statusText); $modulePath = SGL_MOD_DIR . '/' . $module . '/lang'; if (file_exists($modulePath .'/'. $globalLangFile)) { // load current module lang file require $modulePath .'/'. $globalLangFile; // defaultWords clause $words = ($module == 'default') ? $defaultWords : $words; // add current translation to db if (count($words)) { foreach ($words as $tk => $tValue) { if (is_array($tValue) && $tk) { // if an array // create key|value|| string $value = ''; foreach ($tValue as $k => $aValue) { $value .= $k . '|' . $aValue .'||'; } $string = array($langID => $value); $result = $trans->add($tk, $module, $string); } elseif ($tk && $tValue) { $string = array($langID => $tValue); $result = $trans->add($tk, $module, $string); } } unset($words); } } } } } else { // set installed languages $installedLangs = (is_array($aLangOptions)) ? str_replace('-', '_', implode(',', array_keys($aLangOptions))) : ''; $c->set('translation', array('installedLanguages' => $installedLangs)); } $fileName = SGL_VAR_DIR . '/' . SGL_SERVER_NAME . '.conf.php'; $ok = $c->save($fileName); if (PEAR::isError($ok)) { SGL_Install_Common::errorPush($ok); } return $ok; } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_EnableForeignKeyChecks extends SGL_Task { function run($data) { $c = &SGL_Config::singleton(); $this->conf = $c->getAll(); $res = true; // re-enable fk constraints if mysql (>= 4.1.x) if ($this->conf['db']['type'] == 'mysql_SGL' || $this->conf['db']['type'] == 'mysql' || $this->conf['db']['type'] == 'mysqli' || $this->conf['db']['type'] == 'mysqli_SGL') { $dbh = & SGL_DB::singleton(); $query = 'SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;'; $res = $dbh->query($query); } return $res; } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_VerifyDbSetup extends SGL_UpdateHtmlTask { function run($data) { $this->setup(); // verify db $dbh = & SGL_DB::singleton(); $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$this->conf['table']['permission']}"; $res = $dbh->getAll($query); if (PEAR::isError($res, DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE)) { SGL_Install_Common::errorPush( PEAR::raiseError('No tables exist in DB - was schema created?')); } elseif (!(count($res))) { SGL_Install_Common::errorPush( PEAR::raiseError('Perms inserts failed', SGL_ERROR_DBFAILURE)); } // create error message if appropriate if (SGL_Install_Common::errorsExist()) { $statusText = 'Some problems were encountered'; $this->updateHtml('status', $statusText); $body = 'please diagnose and try again'; } else { if (array_key_exists('createTables', $data) && $data['createTables'] == 1) { // note: must all be on one line for DOM text replacement $message = 'Database initialisation complete!'; $this->updateHtml('status', $message); $body = '


NOTE: N/A indicates that a schema or data is not needed for this module'; // else only a DB connect was requested } else { $statusText = 'DB setup succeeded'; $statusText .= ', schema creation skipped'; $this->updateHtml('status', $statusText); $body = '


'; } } // done, create "launch seagull" link $this->updateHtml('additionalInfo', $body); $this->updateHtml('progress_bar', ''); SGL_Install_Common::printFooter(); } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_CreateFileSystem extends SGL_Task { function run($data) { require_once 'System.php'; $err = false; // pass paths as arrays to avoid widows space parsing prob // create cache dir if (!is_dir(SGL_CACHE_DIR)) { $cacheDir = System::mkDir(array(SGL_CACHE_DIR)); if (is_dir($cacheDir)) { @chmod($cacheDir, 0777); } if (!($cacheDir)) { SGL_Install_Common::errorPush(PEAR::raiseError('Problem creating cache dir')); } } // create entities dir if (!is_dir(SGL_ENT_DIR)) { $entDir = System::mkDir(array(SGL_ENT_DIR)); if (is_dir($entDir)) { @chmod($entDir, 0777); } if (!($entDir)) { SGL_Install_Common::errorPush(PEAR::raiseError('Problem creating entity dir')); } } // create tmp dir, mostly for sessions if (!is_writable(SGL_TMP_DIR)) { $tmpDir = System::mkDir(array(SGL_TMP_DIR)); $htAccessContent = <<< EOF Order allow,deny Deny from all EOF; $ok = file_put_contents(SGL_TMP_DIR . '/.htaccess', $htAccessContent); if (!$tmpDir) { $err = SGL::raiseError('The tmp directory does not '. 'appear to be writable, please give the webserver permissions to write to it'); SGL_Install_Common::errorPush($err); } } return $err; } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_CreateDataObjectEntities extends SGL_Task { function run($data = null) { $err = false; $c = &SGL_Config::singleton(); $conf = $c->getAll(); // init DB_DataObject $oTask = new SGL_Task_InitialiseDbDataObject(); $ok = $oTask->run($conf); require_once 'DB/DataObject/Generator.php'; ob_start(); // remove original dbdo keys file as it is unable to update an existing file $keysFile = SGL_ENT_DIR . '/' . $conf['db']['name'] . '.ini'; if (is_file($keysFile)) { $ok = unlink($keysFile); } // drop old entities on re-install if (isset($_SESSION['install_dbPrefix'])) { if (is_writable(SGL_ENT_DIR)) { if ($dh = opendir(SGL_ENT_DIR)) { $prefix = $_SESSION['install_dbPrefix']; while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && substr($file, -3) == 'php' && substr($file, 0, strlen($prefix)) == ucfirst($prefix)) { $ok = unlink(SGL_ENT_DIR . '/' . $file); } } } } } $generator = new DB_DataObject_Generator(); $generator->start(); $out = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (PEAR::isError($out)) { $err = PEAR::raiseError('generating DB_DataObject entities failed'); SGL_Install_Common::errorPush($err); } return $err; } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_CreateDataObjectLinkFile extends SGL_Task { function run($data = null) { $err = false; $c = &SGL_Config::singleton(); $conf = $c->getAll(); // original dbdo links file $linksFile = SGL_ENT_DIR . '/' . $conf['db']['name'] . '.links.ini'; // read existing data if any if (is_readable($linksFile)) { $aOrigData = parse_ini_file($linksFile, true); // only remove when not installing modules, ie for sgl-rebuild if (empty($data['moduleInstall']) && is_writable($linksFile)) { unlink($linksFile); } } $linkData = ''; foreach ($data['aModuleList'] as $module) { $linksPath = SGL_MOD_DIR . '/' . $module . '/data/dataobjectLinks.ini'; if (is_file($linksPath)) { $linkData .= file_get_contents($linksPath); $linkData .= "\n\n"; } } if (!empty($linkData)) { // first check to ensure key doesn't exist if a module is being installed if (!empty($data['moduleInstall'])) { $aNewData = parse_ini_file($linksPath, true); // compare with existing data if there is any if (!empty($aOrigData)) { foreach ($aNewData as $key => $aValues) { $tableName = $conf['db']['prefix'] . $key; if (array_key_exists($tableName, $aOrigData)) { // key already exists, so return instead of adding it return; } } } } // we don't forget about prefixes if (!empty($conf['db']['prefix'])) { // prefix containers $linkData = preg_replace('/\[(\w+)\]/i', '[' . SGL_Sql::addTablePrefix('$1') . ']', $linkData); // prefix references $linkData = preg_replace('/(\w+):/i', SGL_Sql::addTablePrefix('$1') . ':' , $linkData); } if (is_writable($linksFile) || !file_exists($linksFile)) { if (!$handle = fopen($linksFile, 'a+')) { $err = PEAR::raiseError('could not open links file for writing'); SGL_Install_Common::errorPush($err); } if (fwrite($handle, $linkData) === false) { $err = PEAR::raiseError('could not write to file' . $linksFile); SGL_Install_Common::errorPush($err); } } } return $err; } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_SymLinkWwwData extends SGL_Task { function run($data = null) { $ret = true; foreach ($data['aModuleList'] as $module) { $wwwDir = SGL_MOD_DIR . '/' . $module . '/www'; if (file_exists($wwwDir)) { if (is_writable(SGL_WEB_ROOT)) { // windows if (strpos(PHP_OS, 'WIN') !== false) { // if linkd binary is present $ret = symlink($wwwDir, SGL_WEB_ROOT . "/$module"); // otherwise just copy if (!$ret) { require_once SGL_CORE_DIR . '/File.php'; $ret = SGL_File::copyDir($wwwDir, SGL_WEB_ROOT . "/$module"); } } elseif (is_link(SGL_WEB_ROOT . "/$module")) { $ret = PEAR::raiseError('A www directory was detected in ' . ' one of the modules therefore an attempt to create ' . ' a corresponding symlink was made ' . ' but the symlink already exists ' . ' in seagull/www'); } else { $ret = symlink($wwwDir, SGL_WEB_ROOT . "/$module"); } } else { $ret = PEAR::raiseError('A www directory was detected in one of the modules '. ' but the required webserver' . ' write perms on seagull/www do not exist, so the symlink could'. ' not be created'); } } } return $ret; } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_UnLinkWwwData extends SGL_Task { function run($data = null) { $ret = true; foreach ($data['aModuleList'] as $module) { $wwwDir = SGL_MOD_DIR . '/' . $module . '/www'; // if we're windows if ((strpos(PHP_OS, 'WIN') !== false) && is_dir(SGL_WEB_ROOT . "/$module")) { require_once SGL_CORE_DIR . '/File.php'; if (readlink(SGL_WEB_ROOT . "/$module")) { SGL_File::rmDir(SGL_WEB_ROOT . "/$module"); } else { SGL_File::rmDir(SGL_WEB_ROOT . "/$module", '-r'); } } elseif (file_exists($wwwDir)) { if (is_writable(SGL_WEB_ROOT)) { if (is_link(SGL_WEB_ROOT . "/$module")) { unlink(SGL_WEB_ROOT . "/$module"); } } else { $ret = PEAR::raiseError('An attempt to remove an existing ' . ' symlink failed, the webserver no longer has ' . ' required write perms on seagull/www dir'); } } } return $ret; } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_AddTestDataToConfig extends SGL_UpdateHtmlTask { /** * Updates test config file. * * 1. Reads ini file with php extension (used for security) * 2. Updates keys in file * 3. Saves file as ini * 4. Modifies file adding security * 5. Changes extension to php * 6. Removes saved ini file * * @param unknown_type $data */ function run($data = null) { $this->setup(); // get relevant module directory $globalConf = SGL_Config::singleton(); $moduleDir = ($globalConf->get(array('path' => 'moduleDirOverride'))) ? $globalConf->get(array('path' => 'moduleDirOverride')) : 'modules'; $c = new SGL_Config(); foreach ($data['aModuleList'] as $module) { $dataDir = SGL_MOD_DIR . '/' . $module . '/data'; // get available data files $aFiles = array(); if (is_file($dataDir . $this->filename1)) { $aFiles['schema'] = 1; } if (is_file($dataDir . $this->filename2)) { $aFiles['dataDefault'] = 1; } if (is_file($dataDir . $this->filename6)) { $aFiles['dataTest'] = 1; } // load current test config if (is_file(SGL_VAR_DIR . '/test.conf.ini.php')) { $aTestData = parse_ini_file(SGL_VAR_DIR . '/test.conf.ini.php', true); // and add schema/data files $update = false; if (isset($aFiles['schema'])) { $nextId = $this->getNextKey($aTestData['schemaFiles']); $aTestData['schemaFiles']['file'.$nextId] = $moduleDir . '/' . $module . '/data/schema.my.sql'; $update = true; } if (isset($aFiles['dataDefault'])) { $nextId = $this->getNextKey($aTestData['dataFiles']); $aTestData['dataFiles']['file'.$nextId] = $moduleDir . '/' . $module . '/data/data.default.my.sql'; $update = true; } if (isset($aFiles['dataTest'])) { $nextId = $this->getNextKey($aTestData['dataFiles']); $aTestData['dataFiles']['file'.$nextId] = $moduleDir . '/' . $module . '/data/data.test.my.sql'; $update = true; } if ($update) { $c->replace($aTestData); $ok = $c->save(SGL_VAR_DIR . '/test.conf.ini'); SGL_Util::makeIniUnreadable(SGL_VAR_DIR . '/test.conf.ini'); } } } } function getNextKey($aKeys) { $keys = array_keys($aKeys); $out = array(); foreach ($keys as $k) { preg_match("/[0-9].*/", $k, $matches); $out[] = $matches[0]; } return (max($out)) +1; } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_RemoveTestDataFromConfig extends SGL_UpdateHtmlTask { function run($data = null) { if (is_file(SGL_VAR_DIR . '/test.conf.ini.php')) { $this->setup(); $c = new SGL_Config(); foreach ($data['aModuleList'] as $module) { // load current test config $aTestData = parse_ini_file(SGL_VAR_DIR . '/test.conf.ini.php', true); // and add schema/data files $update = false; foreach ($aTestData['schemaFiles'] as $k => $line) { if (preg_match("/$module/", $line)) { unset($aTestData['schemaFiles'][$k]); $update = true; } } foreach ($aTestData['dataFiles'] as $k => $line) { if (preg_match("/$module/", $line)) { unset($aTestData['dataFiles'][$k]); $update = true; } } if ($update) { $c->replace($aTestData); $ok = $c->save(SGL_VAR_DIR . '/test.conf.ini'); SGL_Util::makeIniUnreadable(SGL_VAR_DIR . '/test.conf.ini'); } } } } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_SyncSequences extends SGL_Task { /** * Creates new or updates existing sequences, based on max(primary key). * Default is to act on all tables in db, unless specified in $tables. * * @access public * @static * @param mixed $tables string table name or array of string table names * @return true | PEAR Error * @todo we need to reinstate this method's ability to receive an array of tables as an argument */ function run($data = null) { $locator = &SGL_ServiceLocator::singleton(); $dbh = $locator->get('DB'); if (!$dbh) { $dbh = & SGL_DB::singleton(); $locator->register('DB', $dbh); } $c = &SGL_Config::singleton(); $conf = $c->getAll(); // postgres sequence routine creates errors, get initial count $initialErrorCount = SGL_Error::count(); $tables = null; $phptype = $dbh->phptype; // if it is SGL MySQL driver if (strpos($dbh->phptype, 'mysql') === 0 && strpos($dbh->phptype, '_SGL')) { // and all sequences should NOT be in one table if (SGL_Config::get('db.sepTableForEachSequence')) { // fake it as regular MySQL driver $phptype = str_replace('_SGL', '', $dbh->phptype); } } switch ($phptype) { case 'mysql': case 'mysqli': $data = array(); $aTables = (count( (array) $tables) > 0) ? (array) $tables : $dbh->getListOf('tables'); // "%_seq" is the default, but in case they screwed around with PEAR::DB... $suffix = $dbh->getOption('seqname_format'); $suffixRaw = str_replace('%s', '', $suffix); $suffixRawStart = (0 - strlen($suffixRaw)); // get views $aViews = SGL_Task_SyncSequences::_getViews(); if (PEAR::isError($aViews)) { SGL_Error::pop(); $aViews = array(); // no views by default } foreach ($aTables as $table) { $primary_field = ''; // we only build sequences for tables that are not sequences themselves if ($table == $conf['table']['sequence'] || substr($table, $suffixRawStart) == $suffixRaw) { continue; } // skip views if (in_array($table, $aViews)) { continue; } $info = $dbh->tableInfo($dbh->quoteIdentifier($table)); foreach ($info as $field) { if (eregi('primary_key', $field['flags'])) { $primary_field = $field['name']; break; } } if ($primary_field != '') { $maxId = $dbh->getOne('SELECT MAX(' . $primary_field . ') FROM ' . $dbh->quoteIdentifier($table) . ' WHERE 1'); if (!is_null($maxId) && (is_numeric($maxId))) { $data[] = array($table, $maxId); } } } foreach ($data as $k) { $tableName = $k[0]; $seqName = sprintf($suffix, $tableName); $maxVal = $k[1]; $currVal = $dbh->nextId($tableName, true); $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $seqName . ' SET id=' . $maxVal . ' WHERE id=' . $currVal; $result = $dbh->query($sql); } break; case 'mysqli_SGL': case 'mysql_SGL': $data = array(); $aTables = (count( (array) $tables) > 0) ? (array) $tables : $dbh->getListOf('tables'); // make sure sequence table exists if (!in_array('sequence',$aTables)) { require_once SGL_CORE_DIR . '/Sql.php'; SGL_Sql::parse(SGL_ETC_DIR . '/sequence.my.sql', 0, array('SGL_Sql', 'execute')); } // get views $aViews = SGL_Task_SyncSequences::_getViews(); if (PEAR::isError($aViews)) { SGL_Error::pop(); $aViews = array(); // no views by default } foreach ($aTables as $table) { // skip views if (in_array($table, $aViews)) { continue; } $primary_field = ''; if ($table != $conf['table']['sequence']) { $info = $dbh->tableInfo($dbh->quoteIdentifier($table)); foreach ($info as $field) { if (isset($field['flags']) && eregi('primary_key', $field['flags'])) { $primary_field = $field['name']; break; } } if ($primary_field != '') { $maxId = $dbh->getOne('SELECT MAX(' . $primary_field . ') FROM ' . $dbh->quoteIdentifier($table) . ' WHERE 1'); if (is_numeric($maxId)) { $data[] = array($table, $maxId); } else { $data[] = array($table, 0); } } else { $data[] = array($table, 0); } } } $sth = $dbh->prepare("REPLACE INTO {$conf['table']['sequence']} (name, id) VALUES(?,?)"); $dbh->executeMultiple($sth, $data); break; case 'pgsql': $data = array(); $aTables = (count( (array) $tables) > 0) ? (array) $tables : $dbh->getListOf('tables'); foreach ($aTables as $table) { $primary_field = ''; if ($table != $conf['table']['sequence']) { $info = $dbh->tableInfo($dbh->quoteIdentifier($table)); foreach ($info as $field) { if (eregi('primary_key', $field['flags'])) { $primary_field = $field['name']; break; } } if ($primary_field != '') { $data[] = array($table, $dbh->getOne('SELECT MAX(' . $primary_field . ') FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE true')); } } } // "%_seq" is the default, but in case they screwed around with PEAR::DB... $suffix = $dbh->getOption('seqname_format'); // we'll just create the sequences manually...why not? foreach ($data as $k) { $tableName = $k[0]; $seqName = sprintf($suffix, $tableName); $maxVal = $k[1] + 1; $sql = 'CREATE SEQUENCE ' . $seqName . ' START ' . $maxVal; $result = $dbh->query($sql); if (PEAR::isError($result) && $result->code == DB_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { $sql = 'ALTER SEQUENCE ' . $seqName . ' RESTART WITH ' . $maxVal; $result = $dbh->query($sql); } } break; case 'oci8': case 'db2': $dbh->autoCommit(false); $data = ''; $aTables = (count( (array) $tables) > 0) ? (array) $tables : $dbh->getListOf('sequences'); foreach ($aTables as $sequence) { $primary_field = ''; // get tablename if (preg_match("/^(.*)_seq$/",$sequence,$table)) { $info = $dbh->tableInfo($dbh->quoteIdentifier($table[1])); foreach ($info as $field) { if (eregi('primary_key', $field['flags'])) { $primary_field = $field['name']; break; } } if ($primary_field != '') { $maxId = $dbh->getOne('SELECT MAX(' . $primary_field . ') + 1 FROM ' . $table[1]); } else { $maxId = 1; } // check for NULL if (!$maxId) { $maxId = 1; } // drop and recreate sequence $success = false; if (!DB::isError($dbh->dropSequence($table[1]))) { $success = $dbh->query('CREATE SEQUENCE ' . $dbh->getSequenceName($table[1]) . ' START WITH ' . $maxId); } if (!$success) { $dbh->rollback(); $dbh->autoCommit(true); SGL_Install_Common::errorPush(PEAR::raiseError('Sequence rebuild failed')); } } } $success = $dbh->commit(); $dbh->autoCommit(true); if (!$success) { SGL_Install_Common::errorPush(PEAR::raiseError('Sequence rebuild failed')); } break; default: SGL_Install_Common::errorPush( PEAR::raiseError('This feature currently is implemented only for MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL.')); } // remove irrelevant errors $finalErrorCount = SGL_Error::count(); if ($finalErrorCount > $initialErrorCount) { $numErrors = $finalErrorCount - $initialErrorCount; for ($x = 0; $x < $numErrors; $x++) { SGL_Error::pop(); } } } function _getViews() { $locator = &SGL_ServiceLocator::singleton(); $dbh = $locator->get('DB'); $dbName = SGL_Config::get('db.name'); $query = " SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.views WHERE table_schema = '" . $dbh->escapeSimple($dbName) . "' "; return $dbh->getCol($query); } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_CreateAdminUser extends SGL_Task { function run($data) { $ok = true; if (array_key_exists('createTables', $data) && $data['createTables'] == 1) { require_once SGL_MOD_DIR . '/user/classes/UserDAO.php'; $da = & UserDAO::singleton(); $oUser = $da->getUserById(); $oUser->username = $data['adminUserName']; $oUser->first_name = $data['adminFirstName']; $oUser->last_name = $data['adminLastName']; $oUser->email = $data['adminEmail']; $oUser->passwd = !empty($data['adminPasswordIsHash']) ? $data['adminPassword'] : md5($data['adminPassword']); $oUser->organisation_id = 1; $oUser->is_acct_active = 1; $oUser->country = 'GB'; $oUser->role_id = SGL_ADMIN; $oUser->date_created = $oUser->last_updated = SGL_Date::getTime(); $oUser->created_by = $oUser->updated_by = SGL_ADMIN; $ok = $da->addUser($oUser); if (PEAR::isError($ok)) { SGL_Install_Common::errorPush($ok); } } return $ok; } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_CreateMemberUser extends SGL_Task { function run($data) { if (array_key_exists('createTables', $data) && $data['createTables'] == 1) { require_once SGL_MOD_DIR . '/user/classes/UserDAO.php'; $da = & UserDAO::singleton(); $oUser = $da->getUserById(); $oUser->username = 'member'; $oUser->first_name = 'Example'; $oUser->last_name = 'Member User'; $oUser->email = 'example@seagullproject.org'; $oUser->passwd = md5('password'); $oUser->organisation_id = 1; $oUser->is_acct_active = 1; $oUser->country = 'GB'; $oUser->role_id = 2; $oUser->date_created = $oUser->last_updated = SGL_Date::getTime(); $oUser->created_by = $oUser->updated_by = SGL_ADMIN; $success = $da->addUser($oUser); if (PEAR::isError($success)) { SGL_Install_Common::errorPush($success); } } } } /** * @package Task */ class SGL_Task_InstallerCleanup extends SGL_Task { function run($data) { $newFile = << PHP; if (is_writable(SGL_VAR_DIR)) { $ok = file_put_contents(SGL_VAR_DIR . '/INSTALL_COMPLETE.php', $newFile); } else { SGL_Install_Common::errorPush(PEAR::raiseError('var dir is not writable')); } // update lang in default prefs require_once SGL_MOD_DIR . '/user/classes/UserDAO.php'; $da = & UserDAO::singleton(); $lang = isset($_SESSION['install_language']) ? $_SESSION['install_language'] : $data['aPrefs']['language']; $ok = $da->updateMasterPrefs(array('language' => $lang)); if (PEAR::isError($ok)) { SGL_Install_Common::errorPush($ok); } // update lang in admin prefs $aMapping = $da->getPrefsMapping(); $langPrefId = $aMapping['language']; $ok = $da->updatePrefsByUserId(array($langPrefId => $lang), SGL_ADMIN); if (PEAR::isError($ok)) { SGL_Install_Common::errorPush($ok); } // update tz in default prefs $tz = isset($_SESSION['install_timezone']) ? $_SESSION['install_timezone'] : $data['aPrefs']['timezone']; $ok = $da->updateMasterPrefs(array('timezone' => $tz)); if (PEAR::isError($ok)) { SGL_Install_Common::errorPush($ok); } // update tz in admin prefs $tzPrefId = $aMapping['timezone']; $ok = $da->updatePrefsByUserId(array($tzPrefId => $tz), SGL_ADMIN); if (PEAR::isError($ok)) { SGL_Install_Common::errorPush($ok); } return $ok; } } if (strpos(PHP_OS, 'WIN') !== false) { if (!function_exists('symlink')) { function symlink($target, $link) { // it's Vista if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Windows NT 6') !== false) { // mklink utility doesn't understand ".." $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $linkDir = realpath(dirname($link)) . $ds . basename($link); $targetDir = realpath(dirname($target)) . $ds . basename($target); exec('mklink /D ' . $linkDir . ' ' . $targetDir, $ret); // other Windows version } else { exec('linkd ' . $link . ' ' . $target, $ret); } return $ret; } } if (!function_exists('readlink')) { function readlink($link) { // it's Vista if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Windows NT 6') !== false) { // todo: find linkd native equivalent for reading links $ret = true; // other Windows version } else { exec('linkd ' . $link, $ret); } return $ret; } } } ?>