*/ class TranslationTest extends UnitTestCase { function TranslationTest() { $this->UnitTestCase('Translation Test'); // enforce t2 usage $c = &SGL_Config::singleton(); $c->set('translation', array('container' => 'db')); // common data for all case $this->trans = &SGL_Translation::singleton('admin'); // use connection to simpletest base $this->trans->storage->db = &SGL_DB::singleton(); if ($this->trans->storage->db->phptype == 'mysql_SGL') { $this->trans->storage->db->phptype = 'mysql'; } // languages to use in case $this->aLangs = array( 'ru-utf-8', 'en-iso-8859-15' ); } function tearDown() { // drop languages $aLangs = $this->trans->getLangs('ids'); foreach ($aLangs as $langId) { $ok = $this->trans->removeLang($langId, true); } // restore config $c = &SGL_Config::singleton(); foreach ($this->oldConf as $section => $aParam) { foreach ($aParam as $key => $value) { $c->set($section, array($key => $value)); } } } function setUp() { $c = &SGL_Config::singleton(); $conf = $c->getAll(); // clear current tables $tables = &$this->trans->storage->options['strings_tables']; $tables = array(); $aLangs = SGL_Util::getLangsDescriptionMap(); // add languages foreach ($this->aLangs as $langId) { $aLang = array( 'lang_id' => SGL_Translation::transformLangID($langId), 'table_name' => $conf['translation']['tablePrefix'] . '_' . SGL_Translation::transformLangID($langId), 'meta' => '', 'name' => $aLangs[$langId], 'error_text' => 'not available', 'encoding' => substr($langId, strpos($langId, '-') + 1) ); $ok = $this->trans->addLang($aLang); $tables[$aLang['lang_id']] = $aLang['table_name']; } // change conf value to current languages $this->oldConf['translation']['installedLanguages'] = $conf['translation']['installedLanguages']; $callback = array('SGL_Translation', 'transformLangID'); $aConfigLangs = array_map($callback, $this->aLangs); $c->set('translation', array('installedLanguages' => implode(',', $aConfigLangs))); // make sure user singleton has same options and connection $foo = &SGL_Translation::singleton(); $foo->storage->db = &$this->trans->storage->db; $foo->storage->options = $this->trans->storage->options; } function _fillTables($aPages, $aStrings) { foreach ($aPages as $pageId) { foreach ($aStrings as $stringId) { $aTrans = array(); $oneExists = false; for ($i = 0, $langCount = count($this->aLangs); $i < $langCount; $i++) { // make insertion random if (rand(1, $langCount) == 1) { // translation for at least one languge should exist if (($i + 1 != $langCount) || $oneExists) { continue; } } $langId = SGL_Translation::transformLangID($this->aLangs[$i]); // generate translation string $aTrans[$langId] = $pageId . '_' . $stringId . '_' . $langId; $oneExists = true; } $ok = $this->trans->add($stringId, $pageId, $aTrans); } } } function _printAll() { $aPages = $this->trans->getPageNames(); foreach ($aPages as $pageId) { foreach ($this->aLangs as $langId) { $aStrings = SGL_Translation::getTranslations($pageId, $langId); echo '
                echo '
'; } } } function testRemoveTranslations() { $aPages = array('seagull', 'rocks'); $aStrings = array('who', 'let', 'the', 'dogs', 'out'); // fill languages with translation $this->_fillTables($aPages, $aStrings); $aPages = $this->trans->getPageNames(); $this->assertTrue(count($aPages) == 2); $ret = SGL_Translation::removeTranslations('seagull'); $this->assertTrue($ret); $ret = SGL_Translation::removeTranslations('seagull'); $this->assertFalse($ret); $aPages = $this->trans->getPageNames(); $this->assertFalse(in_array('seagull', $aPages)); $aPages = $this->trans->getPageNames(); $this->assertTrue(in_array('rocks', $aPages)); $ret = SGL_Translation::removeTranslations('rocks'); $this->assertTrue($ret); $aPages = $this->trans->getPageNames(); $this->assertFalse($aPages); } } ?>