| // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // $Id$ require_once 'HTML/TreeMenu.php'; // {{{ DB_NestedSet_TreeMenu:: class /** * A helper class to translate the data from a nested set table into a HTML_TreeMenu object * so that it can be used to create a dynamic tree menu using the PEAR HTML_TreeMenu class. * * @see docs/TreeMenu_example.php * @author Jason Rust * @package DB_NestedSet * @version $Revision: 1.19 $ * @access public */ // }}} /** * DB_NestedSet_TreeMenu * * @package * @author daniel * @copyright Copyright (c) 2004 * @version $Id$ * @access public **/ class DB_NestedSet_TreeMenu extends DB_NestedSet_Output { // {{{ properties /** * * @var array The current menu structure * @access private */ var $_structTreeMenu = false; /** * * @var array Default field mappings * @access private */ var $_paramDefaults = array('textField' => 'text', 'linkField' => 'link', 'iconField' => 'icon', 'expandedIconField' => 'expandedIcon', 'classField' => 'cssClass', 'expandedField' => 'expanded', 'linkTargetField' => 'linkTarget', 'isDynamicField' => 'isDynamic', 'ensureVisibleField' => 'ensureVisible' ); // }}} // {{{ DB_NestedSet_TreeMenu /** * The constructor * * @param array $params The config parameters used for building the * tree. * @see _createFromStructure * @access public * @return void */ function & DB_NestedSet_TreeMenu($params) { $this->_structTreeMenu = & $this->_createFromStructure($params); } // }}} // {{{ _createFromStructure() /** *
Creates a HTML_TreeMenu structure based off of the results
     * from getAllNodes() method of the DB_NestedSet class.
     * Note that these parameters may be added to the individual nodes
     * to control their behavior:
     * o 'ensureVisible' => (optional) Whether or not the field should be
     *                          forced as visible creating it such as 'icon'
     *                          or 'expandedIcon'
     * o 'events' => (optional) An array of any events to pass to the
     *                   node when creating it such as 'onclick' or
     *                   'onexpand'
     * @param array $params The configuration parameters.  Available
     *                          params are:
     * o 'structure'            => [REQU] The result from $nestedSet->getAllNodes(true)
     * o 'textField'            => [REQU] The field in the table that has the text for node
     * o 'linkField'            => [REQU] The field in the table that has the link for the node
     * The following params are optional. Please refer to HTML_TreeMenu's manual.
     * The params are equal to the HTML_TreeMenu::Node properties without the 'Field' appended
     * o 'iconField'            => [OPT]
     * o 'expandedIconField'    => [OPT]
     * o 'classField'           => [OPT]
     * o 'expandedField'        => [OPT]
     * o 'linkTargetField'      => [OPT]
     * o 'isDynamicField'       => [OPT]
     * o 'ensureVisibleField'   => [OPT]
     * o 'options' => (optional) An array of any additional options to
     *                    pass to the node when it is created (i.e. icon,
     *                    class).  See HTML_TreeNode for the options)
* @access public * @return object A HTML_TreeMenu object */ function & _createFromStructure($params) { // Basically we go through the array of nodes checking to see // if each node has children and if so recursing. The reason this // works is because the data from getAllNodes() is ordered by level // so a root node will always be first, and sub children will always // be after them. if (!isset($params['treeMenu'])) { $treeMenu = & new HTML_TreeMenu(); } else { $treeMenu = & $params['treeMenu']; } // always start at level 1 if (!isset($params['currentLevel'])) { $params['currentLevel'] = 1; } // Set the default field mappings if not set in userland if (!isset($params['defaultsSet'])) { $this->_setParamDefaults($params); } // have to use a while loop here because foreach works on a copy of the array and // the child nodes are passed by reference during the recursion so that the parent // will know when they have been hit. reset($params['structure']); while (list($key, $node) = each($params['structure'])) { // see if we've already been here before if (isset($node['hit'])) { continue; } // mark that we've hit this node $params['structure'][$key]['hit'] = $node['hit'] = true; $tag = array('text' => $node[$params['textField']], 'link' => $node[$params['linkField']], 'icon' => isset($node[$params['iconField']]) ? $node[$params['iconField']] : false, 'expandedIcon' => isset($node[$params['expandedIconField']]) ? $node[$params['expandedIconField']] : false, 'cssClass' => isset($node[$params['classField']]) ? $node[$params['classField']] : false, 'expanded' => isset($node[$params['expandedField']]) ? $node[$params['expandedField']] : false, 'linkTarget' => isset($node[$params['linkTargetField']]) ? $node[$params['linkTargetField']] : false, 'isDynamic' => isset($node[$params['isDynamicField']]) ? $node[$params['isDynamicField']] : true, 'ensureVisible' => isset($node[$params['ensureVisibleField']]) ? $node[$params['ensureVisibleField']] : false); $options = isset($params['options']) ? array_merge($params['options'], $tag) : $tag; $events = isset($node['events']) ? $node['events'] : array(); $parentNode = & $treeMenu->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode($options, $events)); // see if it has children if (($node['r'] - 1) != $node['l']) { $children = array(); // harvest all the children $tempStructure = $params['structure']; foreach ($tempStructure as $childKey => $childNode) { if (!isset($childNode['hit']) && $childNode['l'] > $node['l'] && $childNode['r'] < $node['r'] && $childNode['rootid'] == $node['rootid']) { // important that we assign it by reference here, so that when the child // marks itself 'hit' the parent loops will know $children[] = & $params['structure'][$childKey]; } } $recurseParams = $params; $recurseParams['structure'] = $children; $recurseParams['treeMenu'] = & $parentNode; $recurseParams['currentLevel']++; $this->_createFromStructure($recurseParams); } } return $treeMenu; } // }}} // {{{ printTree() /** * Print's the current tree using the output driver * * @access public */ function printTree() { $options = $this->_getOptions('printTree'); $tree = & new HTML_TreeMenu_DHTML($this->_structTreeMenu, $options); $tree->printMenu(); } // }}} // {{{ printListbox() /** * Print's a listbox representing the current tree * * @access public */ function printListbox() { $options = $this->_getOptions('printListbox'); $listBox = & new HTML_TreeMenu_Listbox($this->_structTreeMenu, $options); $listBox->printMenu(); } // }}} // {{{ tree_toHTML() /** * Returns the HTML for the DHTML-menu. This method can be * used instead of printMenu() to use the menu system * with a template system. * * @access public * @return string The HTML for the menu * @Author Emanuel Zueger */ function tree_toHTML() { $options = $this->_getOptions('toHTML'); $tree = & new HTML_TreeMenu_DHTML($this->_structTreeMenu, $options); return $tree->toHTML(); } // }}} // {{{ listbox_toHTML() /** * Returns the HTML for the listbox. This method can be * used instead of printListbox() to use the menu system * with a template system. * * @access public * @return string The HTML for the listbox * @author Emanuel Zueger */ function listbox_toHTML() { $options = $this->_getOptions('toHTML'); $listBox = & new HTML_TreeMenu_Listbox($this->_structTreeMenu, $options); return $listBox->toHTML(); } // }}} // {{{ _setParamDefaults() /** * DB_NestedSet_TreeMenu::_setParamDefaults() * * @param $params Param array passed from userland * @return bool True on completion * @access private */ function _setParamDefaults(& $params) { $defaults = $this->_paramDefaults; foreach($defaults AS $fieldName => $fieldAlias) { if (!isset($params[$fieldName])) { $params[$fieldName] = $fieldAlias; } } $params['defaultsSet'] = true; return true; } // }}} } ?>