'Sliding', // 'delta' => 2, // 'perPage' => 15, // ); // $paged_data = Pager_Wrapper_MDB2($db, $query, $pagerOptions); // //$paged_data['data']; //paged data // //$paged_data['links']; //xhtml links for page navigation // //$paged_data['page_numbers']; //array('current', 'total'); // /** * Helper method - Rewrite the query into a "SELECT COUNT(*)" query. * @param string $sql query * @return string rewritten query OR false if the query can't be rewritten * @access private */ function rewriteCountQuery($sql) { if (preg_match('/^\s*SELECT\s+\bDISTINCT\b/is', $sql) || preg_match('/\s+GROUP\s+BY\s+/is', $sql)) { return false; } $open_parenthesis = '(?:\()'; $close_parenthesis = '(?:\))'; $subquery_in_select = $open_parenthesis.'.*\bFROM\b.*'.$close_parenthesis; $pattern = '/(?:.*'.$subquery_in_select.'.*)\bFROM\b\s+/Uims'; if (preg_match($pattern, $sql)) { return false; } $subquery_with_limit_order = $open_parenthesis.'.*\b(LIMIT|ORDER)\b.*'.$close_parenthesis; $pattern = '/.*\bFROM\b.*(?:.*'.$subquery_with_limit_order.'.*).*/Uims'; if (preg_match($pattern, $sql)) { return false; } $queryCount = preg_replace('/(?:.*)\bFROM\b\s+/Uims', 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ', $sql, 1); list($queryCount, ) = preg_split('/\s+ORDER\s+BY\s+/is', $queryCount); list($queryCount, ) = preg_split('/\bLIMIT\b/is', $queryCount); return trim($queryCount); } /** * @param object PEAR::DB instance * @param string db query * @param array PEAR::Pager options * @param boolean Disable pagination (get all results) * @param integer fetch mode constant * @param mixed parameters for query placeholders * If you use placeholders for table names or column names, please * count the # of items returned by the query and pass it as an option: * $pager_options['totalItems'] = count_records('some query'); * @return array with links and paged data */ function Pager_Wrapper_DB(&$db, $query, $pager_options = array(), $disabled = false, $fetchMode = DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC, $dbparams = null) { if (!array_key_exists('totalItems', $pager_options)) { // be smart and try to guess the total number of records if ($countQuery = rewriteCountQuery($query)) { $totalItems = $db->getOne($countQuery, $dbparams); if (PEAR::isError($totalItems)) { return $totalItems; } } else { $res =& $db->query($query, $dbparams); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $res; } $totalItems = (int)$res->numRows(); $res->free(); } $pager_options['totalItems'] = $totalItems; } require_once 'Pager/Pager.php'; $pager = Pager::factory($pager_options); $page = array(); $page['totalItems'] = $pager_options['totalItems']; $page['links'] = $pager->links; $page['page_numbers'] = array( 'current' => $pager->getCurrentPageID(), 'total' => $pager->numPages() ); $page['perPageSelectBox'] = $pager->getperpageselectbox(5,50,10); list($page['from'], $page['to']) = $pager->getOffsetByPageId(); $res = ($disabled) ? $db->limitQuery($query, 0, $totalItems, $dbparams) : $db->limitQuery($query, $page['from']-1, $pager_options['perPage'], $dbparams); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $res; } $page['data'] = array(); while ($res->fetchInto($row, $fetchMode)) { $page['data'][] = $row; } if ($disabled) { $page['links'] = ''; $page['page_numbers'] = array( 'current' => 1, 'total' => 1 ); } return $page; } /** * @param object PEAR::MDB instance * @param string db query * @param array PEAR::Pager options * @param boolean Disable pagination (get all results) * @param integer fetch mode constant * @return array with links and paged data */ function Pager_Wrapper_MDB(&$db, $query, $pager_options = array(), $disabled = false, $fetchMode = MDB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC) { if (!array_key_exists('totalItems', $pager_options)) { //be smart and try to guess the total number of records if ($countQuery = rewriteCountQuery($query)) { $totalItems = $db->queryOne($countQuery); if (PEAR::isError($totalItems)) { return $totalItems; } } else { $res = $db->query($query); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $res; } $totalItems = (int)$db->numRows($res); $db->freeResult($res); } $pager_options['totalItems'] = $totalItems; } require_once 'Pager/Pager.php'; $pager = Pager::factory($pager_options); $page = array(); $page['totalItems'] = $pager_options['totalItems']; $page['links'] = $pager->links; $page['page_numbers'] = array( 'current' => $pager->getCurrentPageID(), 'total' => $pager->numPages() ); list($page['from'], $page['to']) = $pager->getOffsetByPageId(); $res = ($disabled) ? $db->limitQuery($query, null, 0, $totalItems) : $db->limitQuery($query, null, $page['from']-1, $pager_options['perPage']); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $res; } $page['data'] = array(); while ($row = $db->fetchInto($res, $fetchMode)) { $page['data'][] = $row; } if ($disabled) { $page['links'] = ''; $page['page_numbers'] = array( 'current' => 1, 'total' => 1 ); } return $page; } /** * @param object PEAR::MDB2 instance * @param string db query * @param array PEAR::Pager options * @param boolean Disable pagination (get all results) * @param integer fetch mode constant * @return array with links and paged data */ function Pager_Wrapper_MDB2(&$db, $query, $pager_options = array(), $disabled = false, $fetchMode = MDB2_FETCHMODE_ASSOC) { if (!array_key_exists('totalItems', $pager_options)) { //be smart and try to guess the total number of records if ($countQuery = rewriteCountQuery($query)) { $totalItems = $db->queryOne($countQuery); if (PEAR::isError($totalItems)) { return $totalItems; } } else { //GROUP BY => fetch the whole resultset and count the rows returned $res =& $db->queryCol($query); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $res; } $totalItems = count($res); } $pager_options['totalItems'] = $totalItems; } require_once 'Pager/Pager.php'; $pager = Pager::factory($pager_options); $page = array(); $page['links'] = $pager->links; $page['totalItems'] = $pager_options['totalItems']; $page['page_numbers'] = array( 'current' => $pager->getCurrentPageID(), 'total' => $pager->numPages() ); list($page['from'], $page['to']) = $pager->getOffsetByPageId(); $page['limit'] = $page['to'] - $page['from'] +1; if (!$disabled) { $db->setLimit($pager_options['perPage'], $page['from']-1); } $page['data'] = $db->queryAll($query, null, $fetchMode); if (PEAR::isError($page['data'])) { return $page['data']; } if ($disabled) { $page['links'] = ''; $page['page_numbers'] = array( 'current' => 1, 'total' => 1 ); } return $page; } /** * @param object PEAR::DataObject instance * @param array PEAR::Pager options * @param boolean Disable pagination (get all results) * @return array with links and paged data * @author Massimiliano Arione */ function Pager_Wrapper_DBDO(&$db, $pager_options = array(), $disabled = false) { if (!array_key_exists('totalItems', $pager_options)) { $totalItems = $db->count(); $pager_options['totalItems'] = $totalItems; } require_once 'Pager/Pager.php'; $pager = Pager::factory($pager_options); $page = array(); $page['links'] = $pager->links; $page['totalItems'] = $pager_options['totalItems']; $page['page_numbers'] = array( 'current' => $pager->getCurrentPageID(), 'total' => $pager->numPages() ); list($page['from'], $page['to']) = $pager->getOffsetByPageId(); $page['limit'] = $page['to'] - $page['from'] + 1; if (!$disabled) { $db->limit($page['from'] - 1, $pager_options['perPage']); } $db->find(); while ($db->fetch()) { $db->getLinks(); $page['data'][] = $db->toArray('%s', true); } return $page; } /** * @param object PHP Eclipse instance * @param string db query * @param array PEAR::Pager options * @param boolean Disable pagination (get all results) * @return array with links and paged data * @author Matte Edens * @see http://sourceforge.net/projects/eclipselib/ */ function Pager_Wrapper_Eclipse(&$db, $query, $pager_options = array(), $disabled = false) { if (!$disabled) { require_once(ECLIPSE_ROOT . 'PagedQuery.php'); $query =& new PagedQuery($db->query($query), $pager_options['perPage']); $totalrows = $query->getRowCount(); $numpages = $query->getPageCount(); $whichpage = isset($_GET[$pager_options['urlVar']]) ? (int)$_GET[$pager_options['urlVar']] - 1 : 0; if ($whichpage >= $numpages) { $whichpage = $numpages - 1; } $result = $query->getPage($whichpage); } else { $result = $db->query($query); $totalrows = $result->getRowCount(); $numpages = 1; } if (!$result->isSuccess()) { return PEAR::raiseError($result->getErrorMessage()); } if (!array_key_exists('totalItems', $pager_options)) { $pager_options['totalItems'] = $totalrows; } $page = array(); require_once(ECLIPSE_ROOT . 'QueryIterator.php'); for ($it =& new QueryIterator($result); $it->isValid(); $it->next()) { $page['data'][] =& $it->getCurrent(); } require_once 'Pager/Pager.php'; $pager = Pager::factory($pager_options); $page['links'] = $pager->links; $page['totalItems'] = $pager_options['totalItems']; $page['page_numbers'] = array( 'current' => $pager->getCurrentPageID(), 'total' => $numpages ); $page['perPageSelectBox'] = $pager->getperpageselectbox(); list($page['from'], $page['to']) = $pager->getOffsetByPageId(); $page['limit'] = $page['to'] - $page['from'] +1; if ($disabled) { $page['links'] = ''; $page['page_numbers'] = array( 'current' => 1, 'total' => 1 ); } return $page; } ?>