= this level before they are emailed to the site admin'] = '當錯誤 >= 這個層級時系統會發出訊息通知管理員'; $defaultWords['It is recommended to disable this while developing'] = '建議您在開發過程停用這個項目'; $defaultWords['Default is 24 hours'] = '預設為 24 小時制'; $defaultWords['Make sure you load the relevant schema'] = '請確認您載入了相關的架構'; $defaultWords['It is recommended to disable logging if you are running < PHP 4.3.x'] = '如果您的環境 < PHP 4.3.x ,建議您關閉紀錄功能'; $defaultWords['If sql is used, use log_table as the log table name below'] = '如果使用 sql 方式,請在下面資料表名稱使用 log_table'; $defaultWords['Use an absolute path or one relative to the Seagull root dir'] = '使用一個絕對路徑或是相對於 Seagull 根目錄的路徑'; $defaultWords['Error messages get sent here'] = '錯誤訊息會寄送到這裡'; $defaultWords['Contact us enquiries get sent here'] = '聯絡表單的資訊會寄送到這裡'; $defaultWords['This will be your session identifier'] = '這是您的連線識別字元'; $defaultWords['Disallowed words'] = '不允許的文字'; $defaultWords['Enable Safe deleting'] = '啟用安全刪除功能'; $defaultWords['Default params'] = '預設參數'; $defaultWords['Use these params to specify, eg, a static article for your homepage'] = '使用這個參數來指定,例如首頁的一個靜態文章'; $defaultWords['Send feedback to project for bugs'] = '提供錯誤資訊給官方網站'; $defaultWords['Words which system was unable to translate will be enclosed in "> <" marks'] = '系統無法翻譯的字串將會用 \">'; $defaultWords['What format would you like your URLs, Seagull Search Engine Friendly is the default'] = '您希望網址使用的格式為何,預設會使用 Seagull 針對搜尋引擎調整的形式'; $defaultWords['The classic URL handler has not been implemented yet'] = '傳統的網址處理器還沒設計'; $defaultWords['Template Engine'] = '樣板引擎'; $defaultWords['Seagull allows you to use the template engine of your choice'] = 'Seagull 允許您使用自己想要的樣板引擎'; $defaultWords['The Smarty template hooks have not been implemented yet'] = 'Smarty 樣板連結功能還沒完成'; $defaultWords['This query is used to set the default character set for the current connection (MySQL 4.1 or higher). For example: SET NAMES utf8'] = '這個查詢是用來設定目前連線的預設字集(MySQL 4.1 或更新版本)。例如: SET NAMES utf8'; $defaultWords['Mandatory if you use Sendmail as Backend'] = '如果您使用 Sendmail 為郵件處理器才需要設定'; $defaultWords['Sendmail arguments'] = 'Sendmail 參數'; $defaultWords['Optional if you use Sendmail as Backend'] = '如果您使用 Sendmail 為郵件處理器可以選擇性設定'; $defaultWords['Optional if you use SMTP as Backend. Default: localhost'] = '如果您使用 SMTP 為郵件處理器可以選擇性設定,預設: localhost'; $defaultWords['Optional if you use SMTP as Backend. Default: 25'] = '如果您使用 SMTP 為郵件處理器可以選擇性設定,預設: 25'; $defaultWords['Mandatory if you use SMTP as Backend and SMTP authentication is enabled'] = '如果您使用 SMTP 為郵件處理器且啟用 SMTP 驗證功能時需要設定'; $defaultWords['If users have cookies disabled, this will allow them to use sessions with Seagull'] = '如果使用者停用 cookies 功能,這個項目可以讓他們繼續在 Seagull 中使用 sessions 功能'; $defaultWords['Congratulations, the target translation appears to be up to date'] = '恭喜您,目標翻譯檔案是最新的'; $defaultWords['Caching Options'] = '快取選項'; $defaultWords['Enable caching'] = '啟用快取'; $defaultWords['Cache lifetime (secs)'] = '快取存續時間(秒)'; $defaultWords['Database Options'] = '資料庫選項'; $defaultWords['Type'] = '類型'; $defaultWords['Host'] = '主機'; $defaultWords['Port'] = '連接埠'; $defaultWords['Protocol'] = '協定'; $defaultWords['DB username'] = '帳號'; $defaultWords['DB password'] = '密碼'; $defaultWords['DB name'] = '資料庫名稱'; $defaultWords['Post-connection query'] = '連線之後的查詢'; $defaultWords['Database Table Mappings'] = '資料表對應'; $defaultWords['Logging options'] = '記錄選項'; $defaultWords['Enable logs'] = '啟用記錄'; $defaultWords['Log name'] = '記錄名稱'; $defaultWords['Priority'] = '次序'; $defaultWords['Identifier'] = '識別字元'; $defaultWords['Target username'] = '目標帳號'; $defaultWords['Target password'] = '目標密碼'; $defaultWords['Email options'] = '郵件選項'; $defaultWords['Admin contact'] = '系統管理聯絡人'; $defaultWords['Support contact'] = '其他支援服務聯絡人'; $defaultWords['Info contact'] = '相關資訊聯絡人'; $defaultWords['Popup window options'] = '彈出式視窗選項'; $defaultWords['Default popup window height'] = '預設彈出式視窗高度'; $defaultWords['Default popup window width'] = '預設彈出式視窗寬度'; $defaultWords['Cookie options'] = 'Cookie選項'; $defaultWords['Path'] = '路徑'; $defaultWords['Domain'] = '網域'; $defaultWords['Secure'] = '安全'; $defaultWords['Censorship'] = '檢查'; $defaultWords['Mode'] = '模式'; $defaultWords['Replace word with'] = '替換字串'; $defaultWords['Disallowed word'] = '不允許的字串'; $defaultWords['P3P privacy policy'] = '隱私權協議'; $defaultWords['Policies'] = '網站規則'; $defaultWords['Policy location'] = '規則檔案位置'; $defaultWords['Compact policy'] = '簡要規則'; $defaultWords['Zero means until the browser is closed'] = '零表示直到瀏覽器關閉'; $defaultWords['If path to image is specified, image will be shown; if left blank, Site name from above will appear as text'] = '如果指定了圖片路徑就會顯示,如果空白就會顯示網站的名稱'; $defaultWords['Handy if you dont have access to Apache configuration'] = '如果您沒有修改 Apache 設定權限時相當實用'; $defaultWords['This way no content items are really deleting from DB, just marked as deleted'] = '這個方式將不會真的從資料庫刪除任何資料,只是將它標示為刪除'; $defaultWords['file'] = '檔案'; $defaultWords['database'] = '資料庫'; $defaultWords['never'] = '從不'; $defaultWords['Show debug reporting link'] = '顯示錯誤回報連結'; $defaultWords['URL handler'] = '網址處理器'; $defaultWords['MTA options'] = '郵件選項'; $defaultWords['Backend'] = '後端'; $defaultWords['PEAR::Mail backend'] = 'PEAR::Mail 後端'; $defaultWords['Sendmail path'] = 'Sendmail 路徑'; $defaultWords['SMTP host'] = 'SMTP 主機'; $defaultWords['SMTP port'] = 'SMTP 連接埠'; $defaultWords['Use SMTP authentication'] = '使用 SMTP 認證'; $defaultWords['SMTP username'] = 'SMTP 帳號'; $defaultWords['SMTP password'] = 'SMTP 密碼'; $defaultWords['Allow Session in URL'] = '允許連線代碼出現在網址'; $defaultWords['Check for Latest Version'] = '檢查新版本'; $defaultWords['Check Now'] = '現在檢查'; $defaultWords['Your current version is up to date'] = '您使用的版本是最新的'; $defaultWords['remote interface problem'] = '遠端介面問題'; $defaultWords['Maintenance'] = '維護'; $defaultWords['Maintenance Manager'] = '維護管理員'; $defaultWords['Back to Maintenance'] = '回到維護頁面'; $defaultWords['translation successfully updated'] = '翻譯更新成功'; $defaultWords['There was a problem updating the translation'] = '更新翻譯時發生錯誤'; $defaultWords['Data Objects rebuilt successfully'] = '資料物件重建成功'; $defaultWords['Cache files successfully deleted'] = '快取檔案刪除成功'; $defaultWords['Manage Translations'] = '管理翻譯'; $defaultWords['Check all modules'] = '檢查所有模組'; $defaultWords['check all modules'] = '檢查所有模組'; $defaultWords['update'] = '更新'; $defaultWords['Module Name'] = '模組名稱'; $defaultWords['ok'] = '是'; $defaultWords['no file'] = '沒有檔案'; $defaultWords['new strings'] = '新字串'; $defaultWords['old strings'] = '舊字串'; $defaultWords['File not writeable'] = '檔案無法寫入'; $defaultWords['Sequences rebuilt successfully'] = '重建序列成功'; $defaultWords['Rebuild DB Sequences'] = '重建資料庫序列'; $defaultWords['Rebuild Sequences Now'] = '立刻重建序列'; $defaultWords['validate'] = '驗證'; $defaultWords['Process'] = '處理'; $defaultWords['Manage Caches'] = '管理快取'; $defaultWords['Templates'] = '樣板'; $defaultWords['navigation'] = '導覽'; $defaultWords['blocks'] = '區塊'; $defaultWords['categories'] = '類別'; $defaultWords['permissions'] = '權限'; $defaultWords['Clear Selected Caches Now'] = '立即清除選擇的快取資料'; $defaultWords['Rebuild Data Objects'] = '重建資料物件'; $defaultWords['Rebuild Dataobjects Now'] = '重建資料物件'; $defaultWords['You are editing: Module'] = '您正在編輯: 模組'; $defaultWords['You are updating: Module'] = '您正在更新: 模組'; $defaultWords['Master Value'] = '主要字串'; $defaultWords['Translated Value'] = '翻譯字串'; $defaultWords['Save Translation'] = '儲存翻譯'; $defaultWords['Create a module'] = '建立模組'; $defaultWords['Manager Name'] = '控制物件名稱'; $defaultWords['Create Templates'] = '建立樣板'; $defaultWords['Create ini file'] = '建立設定檔'; $defaultWords['Create language files'] = '建立語言檔'; $defaultWords['Create Module Now'] = '建立模組'; $defaultWords['Module files successfully created'] = '模組檔案建立成功'; $defaultWords['The source translation has'] = '翻譯來源有'; $defaultWords['elements'] = '個元件'; $defaultWords['The target translation has'] = '翻譯標的有'; $defaultWords['Please add'] = '請新增'; $defaultWords['values for the following keys which appear to be missing from the'] = '的資料到下面關鍵字,他們不存在於'; $defaultWords['module'] = '模組'; $defaultWords['please specify an option'] = '請指定一個選項'; $defaultWords['please check at least one box'] = '請至少勾選一個項目'; $defaultWords['please enter module name'] = '請輸入模組名稱'; $defaultWords['please enter manager name'] = '請輸入控制物件名稱'; $defaultWords['Extended locale support'] = '額外語言支援'; $defaultWords['locale support info'] = '語言支援資訊'; $defaultWords['Locale category'] = '語言目錄'; $defaultWords['Paths'] = '路徑'; $defaultWords['Install Root'] = '安裝根目錄'; $defaultWords['Web Root'] = '網頁根目錄'; $defaultWords['With selected record(s)'] = '選擇的資料'; $defaultWords['config options'] = '設定選項'; $defaultWords['action'] = '操作'; $defaultWords['preferences'] = '偏好'; $defaultWords['Section ID'] = '區域代號'; $defaultWords['Manager'] = '控制物件'; $defaultWords['None'] = '無'; $defaultWords['Please supply full nav info'] = '請提供完整導覽資訊'; $defaultWords['Admin Menu Manager :: Edit'] = '管理選單:編輯'; $defaultWords['Admin Menu Manager :: Browse'] = '管理選單:瀏覽'; $defaultWords['Add module'] = '新增模組'; $defaultWords['New section'] = '新增區域'; $defaultWords['manage'] = '管理'; $defaultWords['BodyHtml'] = '內容'; $defaultWords['Article Manager :: Edit'] = '文章管理:編輯'; $defaultWords['Translation options'] = '翻譯選項'; $defaultWords['Container'] = '容器'; $defaultWords['Fallback Language'] = '參考語言'; $defaultWords['Add Missing Translations'] = '補齊介面翻譯'; $defaultWords['Categories'] = '類別'; $defaultWords['Documents'] = '文件'; $defaultWords['Articles'] = '文章'; $defaultWords['Permissions'] = '權限'; $defaultWords['No expire'] = '永不過期'; $defaultWords['seconds'] = '秒'; $defaultWords['ms'] = '毫秒'; $defaultWords['queries'] = '查詢'; $defaultWords['allocated'] = '配置'; $defaultWords['Seagull framework homepage'] = 'Seagull 程式架構網站'; $defaultWords['Seagull Framework'] = 'Seagull 程式架構'; $defaultWords['E-mail'] = '電子郵件'; $defaultWords['Lists'] = '電子報'; $defaultWords['Subscribe'] = '訂閱'; $defaultWords['Unsubscribe'] = '取消訂閱'; $defaultWords['Send'] = '寄送'; $defaultWords['Editor type'] = '編輯器類型'; $defaultWords['finish'] = '完成'; $defaultWords['yes'] = '是'; $defaultWords['no'] = '否'; $defaultWords['Email'] = '電子郵件'; $defaultWords['Bug Report'] = '問題回報'; $defaultWords['send bug report'] = '寄送問題回報'; $defaultWords['First Name'] = '姓名'; $defaultWords['Last Name'] = '姓氏'; $defaultWords['You must fill in your description'] = '您必須填寫介紹'; $defaultWords['You must fill in your comment'] = '您必須填寫評論'; $defaultWords['Your email is not correctly formatted'] = '您的電子郵件格式有誤'; $defaultWords['You must enter your email'] = '您必須填寫電子郵件'; $defaultWords['Please use the following form to edit your config file'] = '請透過下面表單編輯設定檔案'; $defaultWords['General Site Options'] = '一般網站選項'; $defaultWords['Base URL'] = '網址基礎'; $defaultWords['Session max lifetime (secs)'] = '連線存續時間上限(秒)'; $defaultWords['Site name'] = '網站名稱'; $defaultWords['Show logo'] = '顯示圖示'; $defaultWords['Gzip compression'] = 'Gzip壓縮'; $defaultWords['Output buffering'] = '輸出快取'; $defaultWords['Enable IP banning'] = '啟用 IP 過濾'; $defaultWords['Enable Tidy html cleaning'] = '啟用 Tidy 整理 html'; $defaultWords['Session handler'] = '連線處理器'; $defaultWords['Extended Session'] = '額外的連線'; $defaultWords['Enforce Single User'] = '強制單人使用'; $defaultWords['You are allowed to connect from one computer at a time, other sessions were terminated!'] = '在同一台電腦上一次只允許一個人登入,其他的連線會被終止!'; $defaultWords['You have multiple sessions on this site!'] = '您在這個網站建立了多個連線!'; $defaultWords['Enables extended session API when using database sessions. This allows the site to enforce one session per user.'] = '使用資料庫儲存連線時可以啟用額外連線功能,這可以讓網站限制每台電腦同一時間只能夠建立單一連線。'; $defaultWords['Enforces one session per user on this site (requires database session handling, and extended session to be on).'] = '強制這個網站的使用者使用單一連線(前提是必須透過資料庫儲存連線資訊,且啟用額外連線功能)。'; $defaultWords['Guests'] = '訪客'; $defaultWords['Members'] = '會員'; $defaultWords['Total'] = '總計'; $defaultWords['Enable Blocks'] = '啟用區塊'; $defaultWords['Default article view type'] = '預設文章檢視模式'; $defaultWords['Front controller script name'] = '前端控制程式名稱'; $defaultWords['Default module'] = '預設模組'; $defaultWords['Default manager'] = '預設管理物件'; $defaultWords['Navigation Options'] = '導覽選項'; $defaultWords['Enable Navigation'] = '啟用導覽'; $defaultWords['Navigation type (driver)'] = '導覽類型(驅動程式)'; $defaultWords['Navigation menu stylesheet'] = '導覽選單風格表'; $defaultWords['Debugging Options'] = '偵錯選項'; $defaultWords['Enable authentication'] = '啟用認證'; $defaultWords['Enable custom error handler'] = '啟用自訂錯誤處理器'; $defaultWords['Enable debug session'] = '啟用連線偵錯'; $defaultWords['Production website'] = '正式網站'; $defaultWords['Show backtrace'] = '顯示回溯'; $defaultWords['Module'] = '模組'; $defaultWords['Active'] = '啟用'; $defaultWords['module successfully updated'] = '模組更新完成'; $defaultWords['module successfully removed'] = '模組移除完成'; $defaultWords['Title'] = '標題'; $defaultWords['Status'] = '狀態'; $defaultWords['ID'] = '編號'; $defaultWords['Name'] = '名稱'; $defaultWords['check to activate'] = '啟用'; $defaultWords['Password'] = '密碼'; $defaultWords['Login'] = '登入'; $defaultWords['Forgot Password'] = '忘記密碼'; $defaultWords['Not Registered'] = '沒有註冊'; $defaultWords['Enabled'] = '開啟'; $defaultWords['Disabled'] = '關閉'; $defaultWords['Return to browse'] = '返回瀏覽'; $defaultWords['ModuleManager Mgr'] = '模組管理'; $defaultWords['Add'] = '新增'; $defaultWords['Delete'] = '刪除'; $defaultWords['With selected module(s)'] = '將選擇的模組'; $defaultWords['Add a module'] = '新增模組'; $defaultWords['Module successfully added to the manager.'] = '模組已經新增至管理者'; $defaultWords['Module(s) successfully removed.'] = '模組已被移除'; $defaultWords['Configurable'] = '可配置'; $defaultWords['Description'] = '說明'; $defaultWords['Admin URI'] = '管理程式'; $defaultWords['Icon'] = '圖示'; $defaultWords['Please, specify a name'] = '請指定一個名稱'; $defaultWords['Please, specify a title'] = '請指定一個標題'; $defaultWords['Please, specify a description'] = '請指定一個說明'; $defaultWords['Please, specify the url to link to'] = '請指定一個連結網址'; $defaultWords['Please, specify the name of the icon-file'] = '請指定一個圖示'; $defaultWords['you do not have perms'] = '您沒有權限'; $defaultWords['you are not allowed to access this data'] = '您不被容許存取這個資料'; $defaultWords['this element has been deleted'] = '此元件已被刪除'; $defaultWords['Username'] = '帳號'; $defaultWords['email not in system'] = '系統內沒有這個郵址'; $defaultWords['logged in at'] = '登入於'; $defaultWords['to'] = '去'; $defaultWords['Reset'] = '重設'; $defaultWords['reset'] = '重設'; $defaultWords['Invalid POST source'] = '不合法來源'; $defaultWords['Submit'] = '送出'; $defaultWords['Welcome to'] = '歡迎光臨'; $defaultWords['Home'] = '首頁'; $defaultWords['user'] = '會員'; $defaultWords['Module Manager'] = '模組管理'; $defaultWords['Config Manager'] = '配置管理'; $defaultWords['config info successfully updated'] = '完成配置更新'; $defaultWords['Execution Time'] = '執行時間'; $defaultWords['Powered by'] = '框架提供'; $defaultWords['insufficient rights'] = '您沒有權限進入本區'; $defaultWords['authorization required'] = '您尚未登入,請輸入您的帳號及密碼.'; $defaultWords['session timeout'] = '連線逾時,請重新登入'; $defaultWords['You have been successfully logged out'] = '您已經登出'; $defaultWords['password emailed out'] = '新密碼已寄至您註冊時登記的郵件地址'; $defaultWords['email submitted successfully'] = '郵件已寄出'; $defaultWords['There was a problem sending the email'] = '寄送郵件時發生問題'; $defaultWords['message ID not recognised'] = '訊息編號不正確'; $defaultWords['Please fill in the indicated fields'] = '請於必要欄位填寫資料'; $defaultWords['Your alert has been sent successfully'] = '警報已發出'; $defaultWords['Action'] = '動作'; $defaultWords['Select'] = '選擇'; $defaultWords['delete'] = '刪除'; $defaultWords['Edit'] = '編輯'; $defaultWords['View'] = '預覽'; $defaultWords['move up'] = '上移'; $defaultWords['move down'] = '下移'; $defaultWords['finished'] = '完成'; $defaultWords['back to top'] = '頁首'; $defaultWords['currently_logged_on_as'] = '會員'; $defaultWords['guest'] = '訪客'; $defaultWords['login'] = '登入'; $defaultWords['logout'] = '登出'; $defaultWords['session started at'] = '連線始於'; $defaultWords['displaying results'] = '顯示結果'; $defaultWords['from a total of'] = '總計'; $defaultWords['back'] = '上一頁'; $defaultWords['next'] = '下一頁'; $defaultWords['Send it'] = '發送'; $defaultWords['Cancel'] = '取消'; $defaultWords['Save'] = '儲存'; $defaultWords['add'] = '新增'; $defaultWords['edit'] = '編輯'; $defaultWords['move'] = '移動'; $defaultWords['Manage'] = '管理'; $defaultWords['Are you sure you want to delete this'] = '確認刪除'; $defaultWords['You must select an element to delete'] = '您必須選擇要刪除的記錄'; $defaultWords['no results found'] = '找不到'; $defaultWords['You have been banned'] = '您被禁止訪問本站。請與管理員連絡'; $defaultWords['You are here'] = '您的位置'; $defaultWords['whats this?'] = '幫助?'; $defaultWords['denotes required field'] = '必填欄位'; $defaultWords['at time'] = '於'; $defaultWords['aMonths'] = '十二月'; ?>