'V�tejte na', 'Home' => 'Home', /* MODULE MGR */ 'Module Manager' => 'Administrace modul�', /* CONFIG MGR */ 'Config Manager' => 'Administrace konfigurace', 'config info successfully updated' => 'Konfigurace byla ulo�ena', /* FOOTER */ 'Execution Time' => 'Spot�ebovan� �as', 'Powered by' => 'Vytvo�eno pomoc�', /* GENERAL MESSAGES */ 'insufficient rights' => 'Nem�te p��slu�n� opr�vn�n� pro tuto sekci.', 'authorization required' => 'Tato akce vy�aduje p�ihl�en�, vypl�te u�ivatelsk� jem�no aheslo.', 'session timeout' => 'Va�e p�ihl�en� vypr�elo, p�ihla�te se znovu.', 'You have been successfully logged out' => 'Byl jste odlhl�en', 'password emailed out' => 'Nov� heslo bylo zasl�no na uvedenou adresu', 'email not in system' => '�daje kter� zad�v�te nebyly nalezeny v syst�mu, skuzte to znovu.', 'email submitted successfully' => 'V� email byl odesla�n', 'There was a problem sending the email' => 'Nastal probl�m p�i odes�l�n� emailu', 'message ID not recognised' => 'message ID not recognised', 'Please fill in the indicated fields' => 'Pros�m vypl�te v�echny ozna�ene� polo�ky a zkuste to znovu', 'Your alert has been sent successfully' => 'V�straha byla odesl�na', /* VARIOUS */ 'user' => 'u�ivatel', 'Username' => 'U�ivatelsk� jm�no', 'Action' => 'Akce', 'Select' => 'Vybrat', 'delete' => 'smazat', 'Edit' => 'Editovat', 'View' => 'Zobrazit', 'move up' => 'p�esunout nahoru', 'move down' => 'p�esunout dol�', 'finished' => 'hotovo', 'back to top' => 'nahoru', 'currently_logged_on_as' => 'u�ivatel', 'guest' => 'host', 'login' => 'p�ihl�sit', 'logout' => 'odlh�sit', 'session started at' => 'p�ihl�en od', 'logged in at' => 'p�ihl�en v', 'displaying results' => 'zobrayen� v�sledky', 'to' => 'a�', 'from a total of' => 'z celkem', 'back' => 'zp�t', 'next' => 'dal��', 'Send it' => 'Poslat', 'Submit' => 'Odeslat', 'Cancel' => 'Zru�it', 'Reset' => 'Reset', 'reset' => 'reset', 'Save' => 'Ulo�it', 'add' => 'p�idat', 'edit' => 'editovat', 'move' => 'p�esunout', 'delete' => 'smazat', 'Manage' => 'Upravit', 'Title' => 'Titulek', 'Status' => 'Status', 'ID' => 'ID', 'Name' => 'Jm�no', 'check to activate' => 'za�krtn�te pro aktivaci', // Status 'Enabled' => 'Povolit', 'Disabled' => 'Zak�zat', 'Are you sure you want to delete this' => 'Jste si opravdu jist �e to chcete smazat', 'You must select an element to delete' => 'Mus�te n�co vybrat aby jste mohli mazat', 'no results found' => '��dn� vysledek nebyl nalezen', 'You have been banned' => 'Byl jste zablokov�n, kontaktujte administr�tora pro v�ce informac�', 'Invalid POST source' => 'Data byly zasl�ny z neautorizovan�ho zdroje', 'You are here' => 'Nach�z�te se zde', 'whats this?' => 'co to je?', 'denotes required field' => 'Povinn� �daje', 'at time' => 'v', 'Maintenance' => 'Nastaveni aplikace', 'Congratulations, the target translation appears to be up to date' => 'Gratulujeme, p�eklad vypad� aktualn�', 'translation successfully updated' => 'p�eklad ulo�en', 'There was a problem updating the translation' => 'Nastal probl�m p�i aktualizaci p�ekladu', 'Data Objects rebuilt successfully' => 'Data Objects byly usp�n� p�egenerov�ny', 'Category Selects successfully deleted' => 'V�b�r kategori� byl smaz�n', 'Explorer Widget cache successfully deleted' => 'Explorer Widget cache successfully deleted', 'Navigation cache successfully deleted' => 'Naviga�n� chache byla smaz�na', 'Template cache successfully deleted' => 'Cache p�edloh byla smaz�na', ); $defaultWords['aMonths']['01'] = 'Leden'; $defaultWords['aMonths']['02'] = '�nor'; $defaultWords['aMonths']['03'] = 'B�ezen'; $defaultWords['aMonths']['04'] = 'Duben'; $defaultWords['aMonths']['05'] = 'Kv�ten'; $defaultWords['aMonths']['06'] = '�erven'; $defaultWords['aMonths']['07'] = '�ervenec'; $defaultWords['aMonths']['08'] = 'Srpen'; $defaultWords['aMonths']['09'] = 'Z���'; $defaultWords['aMonths']['10'] = '��jen'; $defaultWords['aMonths']['11'] = 'Listopad'; $defaultWords['aMonths']['12'] = 'Prosinec'; ?>