[details] name = "Random Image block" description = "Show a Random Image from Gallery 2" author = "John Craig" created = "2006-09-29" version = "0.1" copyright = [g2Dir] type = "text" value = "/var/www/html/iondistillery.net/gallery2" label = "Dir" description = "Gallery2 File Path" [g2Uri] type = "text" value = "/gallery2/" label = "Uri" description = "Gallery2 Uri" [g2EmbedUri] type = "text" value = "/index.php/gallery2/" label = "EmbedUri" description = "Gallery2 EmbedUri" [g2ShowHeading] type = "yesno" value = "0" label = "Heading" description = "Image Block Setting for showing the heading." [g2ShowTitle] type = "yesno" value = "1" label = "Title" description = "Image Block Setting for showing the title." [g2ShowDate] type = "yesno" value = "1" label = "Date" description = "Image Block Setting for showing the date." [g2ShowViewCount] type = "yesno" value = "0" label = "View Count" description = "Image Block Setting for showing the view count." [g2ShowOwner] type = "yesno" value = "0" label = "Owner" description = "Image Block Setting for showing the owner."