[ArticleViewMgr] requiresAuth = false commentsEnabled = false moderationEnabled = false useAkismet = false useCaptcha = true daysBeforeUsingCaptcha = 0 [ArticleMgr] requiresAuth = true adminGuiAllowed = true fleschScore = true backDateNumYears = 0 noExpiry = false [DocumentMgr] requiresAuth = true adminGuiAllowed = true zipDownloads = true formatFileName = true ;note: you can just remove file types. ;for adding new stuff you have also to modify DocumentMgr.php allowedFileTypes = gif,jpeg,jpg,png,doc,rtf,txt,pdf,ppt,pps,xls,htm,html,csv [DocumentViewMgr] requiresAuth = false defaultCategory = 1 [FileMgr] setHeaders = false [ContentTypeMgr] requiresAuth = true adminGuiAllowed = true totalFields = 10 [WikiScrapeMgr] requiresAuth = false