'Publik�tor', /* Resource Chooser */ 'Categories' => 'Kategorie', 'Documents' => 'Dokumenty', 'Articles' => '�l�nky', 'Permissions' => 'Pr�va', /* ARTICLE MGR */ 'Article Manager' => 'Administrace �l�nk�', 'Current Category' => 'St�vaj�c� kategorie', 'Change Category' => 'Zm�nit kategorii', 'article' => '�l�nek', 'Article Name' => 'N�zev �l�nku', 'Start Date' => 'Start', 'Expiry Date' => 'Vypr��', 'Modif. By' => 'Upraveno', 'Status' => 'Status', 'preview' => 'n�hled', 'approve' => 'schv�lit', 'publish' => 'publikovat', 'archive' => 'archiv', 'For Approval' => 'Na schv�len�', 'Being Edited' => 'Being Edited', 'Approved' => 'Schv�len', 'Published' => 'Publikov�n', 'Archived' => 'Archivov�n ', 'Deleted' => 'Smaz�n', 'Editing Article' => 'Editovat �l�nek', 'select a type to create a new article' => 'vyberte typ pro nov� �l�nek', 'With selected article(s)' => 'S vybran�my �l�nky', 'Article successfully added' => '�l�nek byl p�id�n', 'Article successfully updated' => '�l�nek byl aktualiazov�n', 'Article status has been successfully changed' => 'Status �l�nku byl zm�n�n', 'The selected article(s) have successfully been deleted' => 'Vybran� �l�nky byly smaz�ny', 'asset' => 'p��loha', 'No text entered' => '��dn� text', 'Current View Wysiwyg' => 'Sou�asn� zobrazen� Wysiwyg', 'View Wysiwyg' => 'Zobrazit Wysiwyg', 'Current View Html' => 'Sou�asn� zobrazen� Html', 'View Html' => 'Zobrazit Html', 'Select Font' => 'Vybrat font', 'Size' => 'Velikost', 'article type' => 'typ �l�nku', 'whole DB' => 'v�echny kategorie', 'this category' => 'tato kategorie', 'showing results for' => 'zobrazit v�sledky pro', /* ArticleViewMgr */ 'Article Browser' => 'Prohl�e� �l�n�', 'No lead article found' => '�adn� hlavn� �l�nek nebyl nalezen', 'Related Articles' => '�l�nky v t�to kategorii', 'Related Documents' => 'Dokumenty v t�to kategorii', 'No articles found' => '��dn� �l�neky nebyly nalezeny', 'No documents found' => '��dn� dokumenty nebyly nalezeny', /* ArticleView */ 'No article found' => '��dn� �l�nek nebyl nalezen', /* Article Add & Edit */ 'Article type' => 'Typ �l�nku', 'Author' => 'Autor', 'Date created' => 'Vytvo�eno', 'Flesch score' => 'Flesch Score', /* CATEGORY MGR */ 'Category ID' => 'Kategorie ID', 'Current Category Name' => 'St�vaj�c� jm�no kategorie', 'New Category Name' => 'Nov� jm�no kategorie', 'Category will be Added Under' => 'Kategorie bude p�id�na pod', 'Target Parent Category' => 'Nad�azen� kategorie', 'Add Category' => 'P�idat kategorii', 'Edit Category' => 'Editovat kategorii', 'Move Category' => 'P�esunout kategorii', 'Delete Category' => 'Smazat kategorii', 'You are here' => 'Jste zde', 'category' => 'kategorie', 'Category' => 'Kategorie', 'Please select a new parent category' => 'Pros�m zvolte novou nad�azenou kategorii', 'Please enter a value in the field before submitting' => 'Pros�m vypl�te formul�� p�ed odesl�n�m', 'The category has successfully been updated' => 'Kategorie byla aktualizov�na', 'The category has successfully been moved' => 'Kategorie byla p�esunuta', 'The category has successfully been added' => 'Kategorie byla p�id�na', 'The category has successfully been deleted' => 'Kategorie byla smaz�na', 'Root' => 'Root', 'Editing a Category' => 'Editovat kategorii', 'Adding a New Category' => 'P�idat novou kategorii', 'Moving a Category' => 'P�esunout kategorii', 'Deleting a Category' => 'Smazat kategorii', 'Category to Delete' => 'Kategorie na smaz�n�', /* DOCUMENT MGR */ 'Document Manager' => 'Administrace dokument�', 'Content Type' => 'Typ obsahu', 'New Article' => 'Nov� �l�nek', 'New Asset' => 'Nov� dokument', 'Asset Name' => 'Jm�no', 'Date Added' => 'P�id�n', 'Description' => 'Popis', 'Locate' => 'Najdi', 'Upload' => 'Nahr�t', 'Original Name' => 'P�vodn� jm�no', 'Mime Type' => 'Mime Typ', 'Kb' => 'kB', 'Owner' => 'Majitel', 'Type' => 'Typ', 'no results found' => '��dn� v�sledky nebyly nalezeny', 'Download' => 'St�hnout', 'View' => 'Prohl�dnout', 'Editing Asset' => 'Editovat dokument', 'New Asset' => 'Nov� dokument', 'With selected document(s)' => 'S vybran�mi dokumenty', 'Error: Not a recognised file type' => 'Chyba: tento typ dokumentu nen� povolen', 'Error: A file with this name already exists' => 'Chyba: dokument s t�mto jm�nem ji� existuje', 'The asset has successfully been added' => 'Dokumenty byly p�id�ny', 'The asset has successfully been updated' => 'Dokumenty byly aktualizov�ny', 'The asset has successfully been deleted' => 'Dokumenty byly smaz�ny', 'Please wait while document uploads' => 'Pros�m �ekejte ne� se dokument nahraje', 'Please wait until upload is finished' => 'Pros�m �ekejte ne� se dokon�� nahr�v�ni', 'You must select a file to upload' => 'Mus�te vybrat soubor pro nahr�n�', /* PERMISSIONS */ 'Permissions Mgr' => 'Adminjistrace pr�v', 'Current Category' => 'St�vaj�c� kategorie', 'Group Name' => 'Jm�no skupiny', 'Has Permissions' => 'M� pr�va', 'Yes' => 'Ano', 'No' => 'Ne', ); ?>