'Publisher', /* Resource Chooser */ 'Categories' => 'Categorias', 'Documents' => 'Documentos', 'Articles' => 'Artigos', 'Permissions' => 'Permiss�es', /* ARTICLE MGR */ 'Article Manager' => 'Gestor de conte�dos', 'Current Category' => 'Categoria actual', 'Change Category' => 'Mudar categoria', 'article' => 'artigo', 'Article Name' => 'Nome Artigo', 'Start Date' => 'Inserido em', 'Expiry Date' => 'Data Expira��o', 'Modif. By' => 'Modificado por', 'Status' => 'Status', 'preview' => 'preview', 'approve' => 'aprovar', 'publish' => 'publicar', 'archive' => 'arquivar', 'For Approval' => 'Por Aprovar', 'Being Edited' => 'A ser editado', 'Approved' => 'Aprovado', 'Published' => 'Publicado', 'Archived' => 'Arquivado ', 'Deleted' => 'Removido', 'Editing Article' => 'Editar Artigo', 'select a type to create a new article' => 'selecione um tipo para criar um novo artigo', 'With selected article(s)' => 'Com o(s)s artigo(s) selecionados', 'Article successfully added' => 'Artigo inserido', 'Article successfully updated' => 'Artigo actualizado', 'Article status has been successfully changed' => 'Estado do Artigo actualizado', 'The selected article(s) have successfully been deleted' => 'Artigo(s) apagado(s)', 'asset' => 'documento asset', 'No text entered' => 'N�o escreveu texto', 'Current View Wysiwyg' => 'Vista actual Wysiwyg', 'View Wysiwyg' => 'Ver Wysiwyg', 'Current View Html' => 'Vista Actual Html', 'View Html' => 'Ver Html', 'Select Font' => 'Seleccionar Fonte', 'Size' => 'Tamanho', 'article type' => 'tipo de artigo', 'whole DB' => 'toda a BD', 'this category' => 'esta categoria', 'showing results for' => 'a restringir resultados a', /* ArticleViewMgr */ 'Article Browser' => 'Article Browser', 'No lead article found' => 'Nenhum artigo indice encontrado', 'Related Articles' => 'Artigos nesta categoria', 'Related Documents' => 'Documentoss nesta categoria', 'No articles found' => 'Nenhum artigo encontrado', 'No documents found' => 'Nenhum documento encontrado', /* ArticleView */ 'No article found' => 'Nenhum artigo encontrado', /* Article Add & Edit */ 'Article type' => 'Tipo Artigo', 'Author' => 'Autor', 'Date created' => 'Data cria��o', 'Flesch score' => 'Flesch Score', /* CATEGORY MGR */ 'Category ID' => 'ID Categoria', 'Current Category Name' => 'Nome da Categoria Actual', 'New Category Name' => 'Nome da Nova Categoria', 'Category will be Added Under' => 'Category will be Added Under', 'Target Parent Category' => 'Eleger Categoria Principal', 'Add Category' => 'Inserir Categoria', 'Edit Category' => 'Editar Categoria', 'Move Category' => 'Mover Categoria', 'Delete Category' => 'Remover Categoria', 'You are here' => 'Est� aqui', 'category' => 'categoria', 'Category' => 'Categoria', 'Please select a new parent category' => 'Por favor seleccione uma nova categoria pai', 'Please enter a value in the field before submitting' => 'Por favor escreva um valor no campo antes de submeter', 'The category has successfully been updated' => 'Categoria actualizada', 'The category has successfully been moved' => 'Categoria movida', 'The category has successfully been added' => 'Categoria inserida', 'The category has successfully been deleted' => 'Categoria removida', 'Root' => 'Ra�z', 'Editing a Category' => 'Editar a categoria', 'Adding a New Category' => 'Adicionar a nova categoria', 'Moving a Category' => 'Mover a categoria', 'Deleting a Category' => 'Remover a categoria', 'Category to Delete' => 'Categoria a remover', /* DOCUMENT MGR */ 'Document Manager' => 'Gestor de Documentos', 'Content Type' => 'Tipo de conte�do', 'New Article' => 'Novo Artigo', 'New Asset' => 'Novo Documento', 'Asset Name' => 'Nome Documento', 'Date Added' => 'Inserido a', 'Description' => 'Descri��o', 'Locate' => 'Localizar', 'Upload' => 'Upload', 'Original Name' => 'Nome Original', 'Mime Type' => 'Tipo Mime', 'Kb' => 'kB', 'Owner' => 'Autor', 'Type' => 'Tipo', 'no results found' => 'n�o foram encontrados resultados', 'Download' => 'Download', 'View' => 'Ver', 'Editing Asset' => 'Editar Documento', 'New Asset' => 'Novo Document', 'With selected document(s)' => 'Com o(s) documento(s) selecionado', 'Error: Not a recognised file type' => 'Erro: Este tipo de arquivo nao � permitido', 'Error: A file with this name already exists' => 'Erro: J� existe um arquivo com este nome', 'The asset has successfully been added' => 'Documento adicionado', 'The asset has successfully been updated' => 'Documento actualizado', 'The asset has successfully been deleted' => 'Documento(s) removido(s)', 'Please wait while document uploads' => 'Por favor, espere enquanto � feito o upload do documento', 'Please wait until upload is finished' => 'Por favor, espere at� que o upload do documento termine', 'You must select a file to upload' => 'Por favor seleccione um documento para fazer o upload', 'There was an error attempting to download the file' => 'Ocorreu um erro no download do ficheiro', 'The specified file does not appear to exist' => 'O ficheiro indicado n�o existe', /* PERMISSIONS */ 'Permissions Mgr' => 'Gestor de Permiss�es', 'Current Category' => 'Categoria Actual', 'Group Name' => 'Nome do Grupo', 'Has Permissions' => 'Tem permiss�es', 'Yes' => 'Sim', 'No' => 'N�o', ); ?>