--------------------- 1. EXPORT SINGLE FILE --------------------- a) Command: php www/index.php --moduleName=siteexporter --managerName=siteexporter --action=run --url=user/login --baseUrl=http://seagullproject --ext=phtml b) Description: php www/index.php | run SGL in CLI mode --moduleName=siteexporter | in `siteexporter` module --managerName=siteexporter | look for `siteexporter` manager --url=user/login | export URL `http://base-url-from-config/front-controller/user/login/` --baseUrl=http://seagullproject | replace current base URL with specified value | i.e. `http://base-url-from-config/front-controller` | will be replaced with | `http://seagullproject` for SGL URLs --ext=phtml | append `phtml` extension to saved file | (note: default extension is `html`) c) Result: File is saved to "/user/login.phtml", thus can be accessible as `http://base-url-from-config/user/login.phtml`. ------------------------ 2. EXPORT MULTIPLE FILES ------------------------ a) Command: php www/index.php --moduleName=siteexporter --managerName=siteexporter --action=runCollection --baseUrl=http://seagullproject --dir=/user/ b) Description: php www/index.php | run SGL in CLI mode --moduleName=siteexporter | in `siteexporter` module --managerName=siteexporter | look for `siteexporter` manager --action=runCollection | export URLs returned by collection strategies --baseUrl=http://seagullproject | replace base URLs with specified value | i.e. `http://base-url-from-config/front-controller` | will be replaced with | `http://seagullproject` for SGL URLs --dir=/user/ | links replacement will be limited to | subset of URLs `/user/` c) Result: Let's say we used `SGL_UrlCollector_Demo` strategy, which returned 3 URLs to export: - `user/login` - `user/password` - `user/register` 3 files are saved to - "/user/login.html" - "/user/password.html" - "/user/register.html" Note: we didn't use --ext parameter, thus default extension is `html`.