'; $words['add missing perms'] = '新增缺少的權限'; $words['remove extra perms'] = '移除多餘的權限'; $words['complete sync'] = '完全同步'; $words['Register Date'] = '註冊日期'; $words['Search'] = '搜尋'; $words['Search Criteria'] = '搜尋標準'; $words['Role'] = '角色'; $words['role'] = '角色'; $words['add role'] = '新增角色'; $words['Role Manager'] = '角色管理'; $words['Role Manager :: Browse'] = '角色管理 :: 瀏覽'; $words['Role Manager :: Add'] = '角色管理 :: 新增'; $words['Role Manager :: Edit'] = '角色管理 :: 編輯'; $words['Role Manager :: Permissions'] = '角色管理 :: 權限'; $words['roles'] = '角色'; $words['Role ID'] = '角色編號'; $words['You must enter an role name'] = '您必須輸入角色名稱'; $words['role successfully duplicated'] = '角色成功複製'; $words['role successfully added'] = '角色成功新增'; $words['role successfully updated'] = '角色成功更新'; $words['role successfully deleted'] = '角色成功刪除'; $words['role successfully deleted but please note, admin/unassigned roles cannot be deleted'] = '角色已經被刪除,但是請注意,管理者或沒有指定的角色不能被刪除'; $words['role assignments successfully updated'] = '角色指定已成功更新'; $words['You must enter a permission name'] = '您必須輸入權限名稱'; $words['perms'] = '權限'; $words['Permission Manager :: Browse'] = '權限管理 :: 瀏覽'; $words['Permission Manager :: Add'] = '權限管理 :: 新增'; $words['Permission Manager :: Edit'] = '權限管理 :: 編輯'; $words['Permission Manager :: Detect & Add'] = '權限管理 :: 刪除與新增'; $words['Perm ID'] = '權限'; $words['permission'] = '權限'; $words['perm successfully added'] = '成功新增權限'; $words['perm successfully updated'] = '成功更新權限'; $words['perm successfully deleted'] = '成功刪除權限'; $words['add permission'] = '新增權限'; $words['perm(s) successfully added'] = '成功新增權限'; $words['detected perms description'] = '查到的權限說明'; $words['detect & add permissions'] = '檢查及新增權限'; $words['No perms were selected'] = '沒有選擇權限'; $words['orphaned perms description'] = '孤兒權限說明'; $words['remove orphaned'] = '移除孤兒'; $words['You must select a user to sync'] = '您必須選擇一個使用者來同步'; $words['Are you sure you want to sync this user(s)?'] = '您確定要同步這個使用者嗎?'; $words['userfile'] = '使用者檔案'; $words['Real Name'] = '真實姓名'; $words['details successfully updated'] = '完成資料更新'; $words['user successfully deleted'] = '完成會員刪除'; $words['user successfully added'] = '完成會員新增'; $words['user successfully registered'] = '完成會員註冊'; $words['group successfully updated'] = '完成群組更新'; $words['group assign successfully updated'] = '完成群組指定更新'; $words['profile successfully updated'] = '個人資料更新完成'; $words['Lives in'] = 'Lives in'; $words['none given'] = '沒給'; $words['Member Since'] = '入會日期'; $words['Posting Stats for User'] = '留言狀態'; $words['Security'] = '安全設定'; $words['Description'] = '說明'; $words['Edit Group'] = '編輯群組'; $words['Change Group Assignments'] = '組員管理'; $words['With selected group(s)'] = '將選擇的群組'; $words['Group Description'] = '群組說明'; $words['Members'] = '組員'; $words['Changing Group Assignments for'] = '組員管理'; $words['others'] = '其他'; $words['add >>'] = '新增 >>'; $words['Editing Details for Group'] = '編輯群組'; $words['User Profile'] = '會員資料'; $words['back to contacts'] = '返回連絡'; $words['Total Articles'] = '總文章'; $words['Total Comments'] = '總評論'; $words['coming soon ...'] = '即將推出...'; $words['Message'] = '訊息'; $words['send message'] = '送出訊息'; $words['Contacts'] = '連絡人'; $words['add to contacts'] = '新增連絡人'; $words['Thanks for registering with'] = '謝謝您註冊'; $words['Dear'] = '親愛的'; $words['You are being sent this email because you just registered, your logon details are as follows'] = '您收到這封信是因為您剛註冊,您的登入資料明細如下'; $words['Your password is'] = '您的密碼為'; $words['to logon to the'] = '登入'; $words['You are being sent this email because'] = '您收到這封信因為'; $words['Your new password is'] = '您的新密碼是'; $words['back to Account'] = '返回我的帳戶'; $words['change password'] = '變更密碼'; $words['site now'] = '網站'; $words['Password Reminder'] = '密碼提示'; $words['Character set'] = '語文編碼'; $words['Character set tooltip'] = '語文編碼提示'; $words['Results per page'] = '每頁顯示筆數'; $words['Show execution times?'] = '顯示執行時間?'; $words['Preferences'] = '偏好設定'; $words['Security question'] = '秘密問題'; $words['Answer'] = '答案'; $words['return to browse'] = '返回瀏覽'; $words['General'] = '基本設定'; $words['Theme'] = '網站風格'; $words['Change what this site looks like'] = '改變這個網站的外觀'; $words['Date format'] = '日期格式'; $words['UK format is dd/mm/yyyy and US is mm/dd/yyyy'] = 'UK日期格式為日/月/年,US日期格式為月/日/年'; $words['Interface language'] = '介面語言'; $words['Session timeout'] = '連線逾時'; $words['Session timeout tooltip'] = '連線逾時時間設定'; $words['Locale'] = '區域'; $words['Locale tooltip'] = '例如:Asia/Taipei'; $words['view profile'] = '查看個人資料'; $words['edit preferences'] = '編輯偏好設定'; $words['No results found'] = '沒有結果'; $words['No results found for that ID'] = '沒有找到這個編號'; $words['edit these values'] = '編輯這些資料'; $words['County/State/Province'] = '國家/州/省'; $words['Group Membership'] = '所屬群組'; $words['Date Registered'] = '註冊日期'; $words['Last Login'] = '最後登入'; $words['Current IP Address'] = '目前IP位址'; $words['Notify user'] = '通知會員'; $words['Preference Manager :: Edit'] = '偏好管理::編輯'; $words['Preference Manager :: Add'] = '偏好管理::新增'; $words['With selected pref(s)'] = '將選擇的偏好'; $words['Details'] = '資料明細'; $words['Confirm'] = '確認'; $words['Notify me by email'] = '以郵件通知我'; $words['Click'] = '點擊'; $words['here'] = '這??'; $words['With selected user(s)'] = '將選擇的會員'; $words['return to profile edit'] = '返回編輯個人資料'; $words['Change password'] = '變更密碼'; $words['Original password'] = '原始密碼'; $words['New password'] = '新密碼'; $words['User Manager :: Reset password'] = '會員管理::重設密碼'; $words['My Profile :: Edit'] = '我的資料::編輯'; $words['Retrieve password'] = '取得新密碼'; $words['Enter the email address you registered with'] = '請輸入您註冊時填寫的資料'; $words['retrieve'] = '重新取得'; $words['You must enter a username'] = '您必須輸入帳號'; $words['You must enter a password'] = '您必須輸入密碼'; $words['There was a problem with your session, please login again'] = '您的連線記錄有問題,請重新登入'; $words['Only logged on users have access to this area, please register'] = '本區僅供註冊會員使用,請註冊'; $words['username/password not recognized'] = '您輸入的會員/密碼不正確,請再輸入一次'; $words['User Manager'] = '會員管理'; $words['User Manager :: Browse'] = '會員管理 :: 瀏覽'; $words['User Manager :: Edit'] = '會員管理 :: 編輯'; $words['User Manager :: Add'] = '會員管理 :: 新增'; $words['User ID'] = '會員編號'; $words['Confirm Password'] = '確認密碼'; $words['First Name'] = '名'; $words['Last Name'] = '姓'; $words['Dealer'] = '公司'; $words['Company'] = '公司'; $words['Position'] = '職位'; $words['Mobile'] = '手機號碼'; $words['Account active'] = '帳戶開著'; $words['You must enter an email'] = '您必須輸入電子郵件地址'; $words['Your email address in not of the correct format'] = '您輸入的電子郵件地址格式有問題'; $words['Your passwords do not match'] = '您輸入的兩個密碼不合'; $words['add user'] = '新增會員'; $words['add group'] = '新增群組'; $words['asset type'] = '文件類型'; $words['Select'] = '選擇'; $words['Status'] = '狀態'; $words['Active'] = '開著'; $words['Disabled'] = '關著'; $words['check if active'] = '開啟'; $words['users'] = '會員'; $words['New User'] = '新會員'; $words['Full Name'] = '全名'; $words['Password updated successfully'] = '完成密碼更新'; $words['My Account'] = '我的帳戶'; $words['My Profile'] = '個人資料'; $words['Preference Manager :: Browse'] = '偏好管理 :: 瀏覽'; $words['add preference'] = '新增偏好'; $words['preference'] = '偏好'; $words['Pref ID'] = '編號'; $words['Name'] = '名稱'; $words['Default value'] = '內定值'; $words['pref successfully added'] = '完成偏好新增'; $words['pref successfully updated'] = '完成偏好更新'; $words['You must enter a preference name'] = '您必須填寫偏好名稱'; $words['You must enter a default value'] = '您必須填寫一個預設值'; $words['pref successfully deleted'] = '完成偏好刪除'; $words['Register'] = '註冊'; $words['Personal Details'] = '個人明細'; $words['Company Name'] = '公司'; $words['Location'] = '地理位置'; $words['Address 1'] = '地址 1'; $words['Address 2'] = '地址 2'; $words['Address 3'] = '地址 3'; $words['City'] = '城市'; $words['State/Province'] = '州/省'; $words['ZIP/Postal Code'] = '郵遞區號'; $words['Country'] = '國家'; $words['Contact'] = '連絡方試'; $words['Telephone'] = '電話號碼'; $words['Fax'] = '傳真號碼'; $words['Is Active?'] = '開始使用?'; $words[' check if active'] = '勾選開始'; $words['Reset password now'] = '密碼重設'; $words['This email already exist in the DB, please choose another'] = '這個電郵已經存在,請換一個新的'; $words['This username already exist in the DB, please choose another'] = '這個帳號已經存在,請換一個新的'; $words['Your email is not correctly formatted'] = '您輸入的電子郵件地址格式有問題'; $words['You must enter your email'] = '您必須輸入電子郵件地址'; $words['You must enter a new password'] = '您必須輸入新的密碼'; $words['You must enter your original password'] = '您必須輸入舊的密碼'; $words['Password must be between 5 to 10 characters'] = '密碼長度必須 5 到 10 個字母'; $words['Passwords are not the same'] = '密碼不相同'; $words['You have entered your original password incorrectly'] = '您輸入的舊密碼不正確'; $words['Please confirm password'] = '請確認密碼'; $words['username min length'] = '帳號構成必須是文數字且最少6個字元而且中間沒有空白'; $words['You must enter your first name'] = '必須填寫名字'; $words['You must enter your last name'] = '必須填寫姓氏'; $words['You must enter your company name'] = '必須填寫公司名稱'; $words['You must enter at least address 1'] = '必須填寫地址 1'; $words['You must enter your city'] = '必須填寫城市'; $words['You must enter your state/province'] = '必須填寫州/省'; $words['You must enter your ZIP/Postal Code'] = '必須填寫郵遞區號'; $words['You must enter your country'] = '必須填寫國家'; $words['You must enter your telephone number'] = '必須填寫電話'; $words['You must choose a security question'] = '必須選擇一個安全問題'; $words['You must provide a security answer'] = '必須為您的安全問題提供答案'; $words['Group Manager'] = '群組管理'; $words['Group Manager :: Browse'] = '群組管理 :: 瀏覽'; $words['Group Manager :: Edit'] = '群組管理 :: 編輯'; $words['Group Manager :: New Group'] = '群組管理 :: 新增'; $words['groups'] = '群組'; $words['Group'] = '群組'; $words['Group ID'] = '群組編號'; $words['Group Name'] = '群組名稱'; $words['Add'] = '新增'; $words['Current Category'] = '目前群組'; $words['Manage'] = '管理'; $words['You must enter a group name'] = '您必須輸入群組'; $words['The group has successfully been updated'] = '完成群組更新'; $words['The group membership has successfully been modified'] = '群組成員已修改'; $words['The selected group(s) have successfully been deleted'] = '完成群組刪除'; $words['The group has successfully been added'] = '完成群組新增'; $words['aSecurityQuestions'][0] = ''; $words['aSecurityQuestions'][1] = '最喜歡的寵物'; $words['aSecurityQuestions'][2] = '值得紀念的日期 (dd/mm/yyyy)'; $words['aSecurityQuestions'][3] = '難忘的地方'; $words['aSecurityQuestions'][4] = '媽媽的姓名'; ?>