/** * Compat functions * @category HTML * @package AJAX * @author Joshua Eichorn * @copyright 2005 Joshua Eichorn * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL */ /** * Functions for compatibility with older browsers */ if (!String.fromCharCode && !String.prototype.fromCharCode) { String.prototype.fromCharCode = function(code) { var h = code.toString(16); if (h.length == 1) { h = '0' + h; } return unescape('%' + h); } } if (!String.charCodeAt && !String.prototype.charCodeAt) { String.prototype.charCodeAt = function(index) { var c = this.charAt(index); for (i = 1; i < 256; i++) { if (String.fromCharCode(i) == c) { return i; } } } } // http://www.crockford.com/javascript/remedial.html if (!Array.splice && !Array.prototype.splice) { Array.prototype.splice = function(s, d) { var max = Math.max, min = Math.min, a = [], // The return value array e, // element i = max(arguments.length - 2, 0), // insert count k = 0, l = this.length, n, // new length v, // delta x; // shift count s = s || 0; if (s < 0) { s += l; } s = max(min(s, l), 0); // start point d = max(min(typeof d == 'number' ? d : l, l - s), 0); // delete count v = i - d; n = l + v; while (k < d) { e = this[s + k]; if (!e) { a[k] = e; } k += 1; } x = l - s - d; if (v < 0) { k = s + i; while (x) { this[k] = this[k - v]; k += 1; x -= 1; } this.length = n; } else if (v > 0) { k = 1; while (x) { this[n - k] = this[l - k]; k += 1; x -= 1; } } for (k = 0; k < i; ++k) { this[s + k] = arguments[k + 2]; } return a; } } if (!Array.push && !Array.prototype.push) { Array.prototype.push = function() { for (var i = 0, startLength = this.length; i < arguments.length; i++) { this[startLength + i] = arguments[i]; } return this.length; } } if (!Array.pop && !Array.prototype.pop) { Array.prototype.pop = function() { return this.splice(this.length - 1, 1)[0]; } } /* From IE7, version 0.9 (alpha) (2005-08-19) Copyright: 2004-2005, Dean Edwards (http://dean.edwards.name/) */ if (!DOMParser.parseFromString && window.ActiveXObject) { function DOMParser() {/* empty constructor */}; DOMParser.prototype = { parseFromString: function(str, contentType) { var xmlDocument = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM'); xmlDocument.loadXML(str); return xmlDocument; } }; function XMLSerializer() {/* empty constructor */}; XMLSerializer.prototype = { serializeToString: function(root) { return root.xml || root.outerHTML; } }; }