// {{{ HTML_AJAX_Serialize_Urlencoded /** * URL-encoding serializer * * This class can be used to serialize and unserialize data in a * format compatible with PHP's handling of HTTP query strings. * Due to limitations of the format, all input is serialized as an * array or a string. See examples/serialize.url.examples.php * * @version 0.0.1 * @copyright 2005 Arpad Ray * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * * See Main.js for Author/license details */ function HTML_AJAX_Serialize_Urlencoded() {} HTML_AJAX_Serialize_Urlencoded.prototype = { contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', base: '_HTML_AJAX', _keys: [], error: false, message: "", cont: "", // {{{ serialize /** * Serializes a variable * * @param mixed inp the variable to serialize * @return string a string representation of the input, * which can be reconstructed by unserialize() */ serialize: function(input, _internal) { if (typeof input == 'undefined') { return ''; } if (!_internal) { this._keys = []; } var ret = '', first = true; for (i = 0; i < this._keys.length; i++) { ret += (first ? HTML_AJAX_Util.encodeUrl(this._keys[i]) : '[' + HTML_AJAX_Util.encodeUrl(this._keys[i]) + ']'); first = false; } ret += '='; switch (HTML_AJAX_Util.getType(input)) { case 'string': case 'number': ret += HTML_AJAX_Util.encodeUrl(input.toString()); break; case 'boolean': ret += (input ? '1' : '0'); break; case 'array': case 'object': ret = ''; for (i in input) { this._keys.push(i); ret += this.serialize(input[i], true) + '&'; this._keys.pop(); } ret = ret.substr(0, ret.length - 1); } return ret; }, // }}} // {{{ unserialize /** * Reconstructs a serialized variable * * @param string inp the string to reconstruct * @return array an array containing the variable represented by the input string, or void on failure */ unserialize: function(input) { if (!input.length || input.length == 0) { // null return; } if (!/^(\w+(\[[^\[\]]*\])*=[^&]*(&|$))+$/.test(input)) { this.raiseError("invalidly formed input", input); return; } input = input.split("&"); var pos, key, keys, val, _HTML_AJAX = []; if (input.length == 1) { return HTML_AJAX_Util.decodeUrl(input[0].substr(this.base.length + 1)); } for (var i in input) { pos = input[i].indexOf("="); if (pos < 1 || input[i].length - pos - 1 < 1) { this.raiseError("input is too short", input[i]); return; } key = HTML_AJAX_Util.decodeUrl(input[i].substr(0, pos)); val = HTML_AJAX_Util.decodeUrl(input[i].substr(pos + 1)); key = key.replace(/\[((\d*\D+)+)\]/g, '["$1"]'); keys = key.split(']'); for (j in keys) { if (!keys[j].length || keys[j].length == 0) { continue; } try { if (eval('typeof ' + keys[j] + ']') == 'undefined') { var ev = keys[j] + ']=[];'; eval(ev); } } catch (e) { this.raiseError("error evaluating key", ev); return; } } try { eval(key + '="' + val + '";'); } catch (e) { this.raiseError("error evaluating value", input); return; } } return _HTML_AJAX; }, // }}} // {{{ getError /** * Gets the last error message * * @return string the last error message from unserialize() */ getError: function() { return this.message + "\n" + this.cont; }, // }}} // {{{ raiseError /** * Raises an eror (called by unserialize().) * * @param string message the error message * @param string cont the remaining unserialized content */ raiseError: function(message, cont) { this.error = 1; this.message = message; this.cont = cont; } // }}} } // }}}